Presented in 2015, Capability-Innovation-Motive (CIM) is a teaching model which can be used to enhance courses of system engineering education toward more innovation and creativity. A case study of the “Embedded Operating System” (EOS) course (in the division of System Engineering of Department of Electronic Engineering) adopting CIM is provided, in which we apply the flipped classroom approach and CDIO to strengthen the CIM teaching model. Since CDIO is outside the scope of the typical system engineering courses, students may not be familiar with its application into their project designs. This study shows how a teacher restructures the course using the flipped classroom approach to solve the problem when CDIO is initially deployed. The EOS course adopting CIM restructures the classroom in a way that it turns around the traditional pattern by drawing students’ attention to content inside the classroom and assigning homework to engage better outside the classroom. Students gain first-hand exposure to learn prior to the class and focus on higher-order parts of learning: identifying problems, monitoring self-growth, synthesizing, analyzing, and solving problems in class. To ensure that the students do the necessary preparation for a productive class, the instructor conducts open-ended pre- and post-quizzes in the class. The class time is then spent on exploring knowledge to pass the quiz by themselves or by exchange of questions and answers between the students and the teacher. By putting real-world problems into the quizzes, the quiz pool is enlarged but the quiz time is reduced. Students can select those they can confidently solve within the time. By analyzing the learning outcome, it shows that students gain more knowledge about how to apply kernel primitives of an embedded operating system into their final projects. The quality of the final projects is significantly improved than those from the previous semesters.
Yu-Lun Huang received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science and information engineering from the National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, in 1995 and 2001, respectively.
Currently, she is an Associate Professor in Department of Electrical and Control Engineering of National Chiao-Tung University. She has been served as a board member of Open Education Consortium since 2017. Her research interests include wireless security, secure testbed design, embedded software, embedded operating systems, network security, secure payment systems, VoIP, QoS and open education.
Chao-Yang Cheng is a postdoctoral researcher from the Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering of National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. He majored in educational psychology and minor in multi-level linear models. Flow theory, daily reconstruction method, classroom experience, immediate process feedback module, capstone teaching and learning, and engineering education are central to his area of study.
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