Welcome to the Journal of Engineering Education (JEE), a peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
Role:The Journal of Engineering Education is more than a place to publish papers—it is a vital partner in the global community of stakeholders dedicated to advancing research in engineering education from pre-college to post-graduate professional education.
Vision: The Journal of Engineering Education seeks to help define and shape a body of knowledge derived from scholarly research that leads to timely and significant improvements in engineering education worldwide.
Mission: The Journal of Engineering Education serves to cultivate, disseminate, and archive scholarly research in engineering education.
The Journal of Engineering Education is supported in part by the Clemson University College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences.
Articles published in JEE are now available at Wiley Online Library.
ASEE members click here to view the JEE articles.
As an ASEE member, you can access the JEE articles by logging in to your ASEE account. Non-members may be able to view articles through their institutional subscriptions.
Prospective authors should consult the journal's author guidelines.
Authors should avoid predatory journals with similar titles that promise rapid publication with insufficient time for rigorous peer review.
NOTE: Clicking the guidelines link takes you to JEE's pages on Wiley; it does not provide you with member access to JEE papers. You must be logged in to the ASEE website for such access.
For more information on the program, please contact Lisa Benson at lbenson@clemson.edu. The application for mentees is available at: https://tinyurl.com/JEEreviewermentee. Applications are due by February 15, 2019.
JEE is listed in the Science Citation Index (categories: Education, Scientific Disciplines; Engineering, Multidisciplinary), and the Social Sciences Citation Index (category: Education, Education Research) by Clarivate and the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) and the tables of contents are reproduced in ISI’s Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology and Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences. JEE is also listed in the EBSCOhost research databases (Education Research Complete™ and Academic Search Complete™) and the Elsevier bibliographic research database, Scopus. JEE is a founding member of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies, and the journal is rated A* by the Australian Research Council.
Welcome to the Journal of Engineering Education (JEE), a peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
Role:The Journal of Engineering Education is more than a place to publish papers—it is a vital partner in the global community of stakeholders dedicated to advancing research in engineering education from pre-college to post-graduate professional education.
Vision: The Journal of Engineering Education seeks to help define and shape a body of knowledge derived from scholarly research that leads to timely and significant improvements in engineering education worldwide.
Mission: The Journal of Engineering Education serves to cultivate, disseminate, and archive scholarly research in engineering education.
The Journal of Engineering Education is supported in part by the Clemson University College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences.
Articles published in JEE are now available at Wiley Online Library.
ASEE members click here to view the JEE articles.
As an ASEE member, you can access the JEE articles by logging in to your ASEE account. Non-members may be able to view articles through their institutional subscriptions.
Prospective authors should consult the journal's author guidelines.
Authors should avoid predatory journals with similar titles that promise rapid publication with insufficient time for rigorous peer review.
NOTE: Clicking the guidelines link takes you to JEE's pages on Wiley; it does not provide you with member access to JEE papers. You must be logged in to the ASEE website for such access.
For more information on the program, please contact Lisa Benson at lbenson@clemson.edu. The application for mentees is available at: https://tinyurl.com/JEEreviewermentee. Applications are due by February 15, 2019.
JEE is listed in the Science Citation Index (categories: Education, Scientific Disciplines; Engineering, Multidisciplinary), and the Social Sciences Citation Index (category: Education, Education Research) by Clarivate and the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) and the tables of contents are reproduced in ISI’s Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology and Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences. JEE is also listed in the EBSCOhost research databases (Education Research Complete™ and Academic Search Complete™) and the Elsevier bibliographic research database, Scopus. JEE is a founding member of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies, and the journal is rated A* by the Australian Research Council.