Adopted 01-26-03
Modified 05-24-06
Modified 06-24-07
We the members of the Corporate Member Council of the ASEE do organize for the mutual purpose of representing the ideas and views of corporations that are ASEE institutional members.
The name of this organization shall be the Corporate Member Council (CMC) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
The CMC's mission is to foster, encourage, and cultivate the dialogue between industry and engineering educators.
The Corporate Member Council is also committed to promoting the inclusion and education of diverse individuals and embracing diverse ideas in the professions of engineering and engineering technology. The Corporate Member Council recognizes that diversity is strength in creativity, broadness of new ideas, and embracing new perspectives to arrive at the most truly innovative, resource-smart solutions possible.
The membership of the CMC is limited to organizations paying corporate dues as set forth in the ASEE By-Laws; Article VII, Section 6, Paragraphs d through g, and are subject to change based on By-Laws adjustments by the ASEE Board of Directors.
Each member organization is entitled to name one person who shall be that organization's representative to the CMC.
a. The officers of the CMC shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Past Chair, and six Directors. All eligible candidates for Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Past Chair, and the six Directors must be selected from a roster of active CMC members in good standing. The terms of officer shall be for two years.
b. The director positions shall be staggered in groups of two to be elected for a three-year term. The elected directors will elect the officers from among themselves.
c. In the event that the Chair is unable to complete the term of Office, the Vice-Chair shall complete the term and may serve a revised term as Chair, at the discretion of the CMC Executive Board. Should any officer or director be unable to serve the complete term, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the CMC Leadership Team until the time of the next election.
d. When a Director becomes an Officer, that Director vacates the term of that Director position and assumes the Officers position for two years. The vacated Directors position must be filled for the remaining period or started a-new for the three year duration as required.
The executive Board consists of the officers and directors, and shall administer the affairs of the CMC. The Chair shall be the CMC representative on the ASEE Board of Directors.
The Chair, with the advice of the Executive Board, may appoint AD-Hoc committees and Special Interest Groups (SIG’s) as deemed necessary and shall designate the chair thereof.
The Past-Chair, as an Officer of the Executive Board shall serve as the Nominating Committee Chair and shall work with the CMC Chair to appoint two (2) members to the Nominating Committee from among the CMC members. If the Past-Chair is not available, the Chair will appoint one of the Directors or Ex-Officio Member to serve as the Nominating Committee Chair.
The CMC Chair, with the advice of the Executive Board, shall appoint a Program Chair for the ASEE Annual Conference who also supports the CIP Program Chair for the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC), for Industry Day Panel Sessions co-sponsored by the College Industry Partnership (CIP) Division and the CMC. The Program Chair shall follow all ASEE procedures and protocols as designated in the annual Program Chair guidelines as well as those issued for the CIEC. In addition, the following procedures apply:
a. Regarding the Annual Conference; Call for abstracts and sessions for the next annual ASEE meeting shall be made available to CMC members during the annual business meeting.
b. The web site and electronic mail announcement shall also be made in the fall.
c. All deadlines for submitting abstracts; accepting papers and session presentations; the Program Chair shall determine who will be reviewing abstracts, papers, and presentations; and final submissions of documents. These deadlines shall appear in the fall announcements.
d. The Program Chair shall request and appoint CMC members as peer reviewers for abstracts, papers and presentations that require refereeing, and shall establish all necessary deadlines for review, revision, etc. For abstracts, papers, and presentations that are not refereed, the Program Chair shall notify the authors of all appropriate deadlines.
The Program Chair shall provide authors with relevant and appropriate guidelines not provided by the ASEE as specified in the Annual Program Chair Guidelines and the Program Guidelines for the CIEC.
By the fourth (4th) Thursday of March the Chair and the Past Chair will appoint a Nominating Committee from the membership of CMC. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a minimum of three persons. The Nominating Committee will prepare an electronic-mail notice to the CMC membership requesting nominations to be received not later than the fourth (4th) Thursday of April.
The Nominating Committee will contact all nominated members to verify that the member is willing to serve as a Director or Officer if so elected. The slate of nominees will be communicated to all members of CMC by the fourth (4th) Thursday of May. The members of CMC will vote by electronic mail from the selection of the nominees for each open position; Officer or Director. Members voting must clearly identify themselves in the e-mail messages. All votes must be received by Thursday of the week before the Annual ASEE Conference.
New Officers and Directors shall be announced at the CMC Annual Meeting on Industry Day, and take office upon the conclusion of the ASEE Annual Conference.
The CMC shall hold an annual meeting at the ASEE's annual conference and one at the Annual CIEC, usually on Industry Day. The annual meeting shall be open to the public. Voting privileges, however, shall be extended only to members in good standing of the CMC. The business of the annual meeting shall include reports by the officers and the Chairs of standing committees and Special Interest Groups.
The time and place of the face-to-face meetings shall be announced to the CMC members ahead of time by e-mail and the posting on the CMC web site. A quorum to conduct business shall consist of 2/3 of the leadership team for CMC. A majority of those voting shall be sufficient for any decisions unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.
The CMC shall hold monthly scheduled teleconferences and conduct its business by electronic mail, or postal delivery providing all provisions of the bylaws are observed and that such business is reported at the next teleconference or annual meeting of the CMC. A minimum of thirty (30) days shall be allowed between the mailing of any ballot, motion, or resolution and the date for its return.
The CMC may adopt its own rules of procedure, but in the absence of such rules, Robert's Rule of Order, latest edition, shall apply.
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members responding to an electronic mail, or postal mail ballot of the CMC membership. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Board or by a majority vote of Members attending an annual meeting of the CMC.
These Bylaws shall be deemed accepted upon an affirmative majority vote of members responding to an electronic mail, or postal mail ballot of the CMC membership. They shall become effective upon approval by the ASEE Board of Directors.
All modifications and changes to these By-Laws must be presented to and approved by the ASEE Board of Directors. before they shall become effective.
Adopted 01-26-03
Modified 05-24-06
Modified 06-24-07
We the members of the Corporate Member Council of the ASEE do organize for the mutual purpose of representing the ideas and views of corporations that are ASEE institutional members.
The name of this organization shall be the Corporate Member Council (CMC) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
The CMC's mission is to foster, encourage, and cultivate the dialogue between industry and engineering educators.
The Corporate Member Council is also committed to promoting the inclusion and education of diverse individuals and embracing diverse ideas in the professions of engineering and engineering technology. The Corporate Member Council recognizes that diversity is strength in creativity, broadness of new ideas, and embracing new perspectives to arrive at the most truly innovative, resource-smart solutions possible.
The membership of the CMC is limited to organizations paying corporate dues as set forth in the ASEE By-Laws; Article VII, Section 6, Paragraphs d through g, and are subject to change based on By-Laws adjustments by the ASEE Board of Directors.
Each member organization is entitled to name one person who shall be that organization's representative to the CMC.
a. The officers of the CMC shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Past Chair, and six Directors. All eligible candidates for Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Past Chair, and the six Directors must be selected from a roster of active CMC members in good standing. The terms of officer shall be for two years.
b. The director positions shall be staggered in groups of two to be elected for a three-year term. The elected directors will elect the officers from among themselves.
c. In the event that the Chair is unable to complete the term of Office, the Vice-Chair shall complete the term and may serve a revised term as Chair, at the discretion of the CMC Executive Board. Should any officer or director be unable to serve the complete term, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the CMC Leadership Team until the time of the next election.
d. When a Director becomes an Officer, that Director vacates the term of that Director position and assumes the Officers position for two years. The vacated Directors position must be filled for the remaining period or started a-new for the three year duration as required.
The executive Board consists of the officers and directors, and shall administer the affairs of the CMC. The Chair shall be the CMC representative on the ASEE Board of Directors.
The Chair, with the advice of the Executive Board, may appoint AD-Hoc committees and Special Interest Groups (SIG’s) as deemed necessary and shall designate the chair thereof.
The Past-Chair, as an Officer of the Executive Board shall serve as the Nominating Committee Chair and shall work with the CMC Chair to appoint two (2) members to the Nominating Committee from among the CMC members. If the Past-Chair is not available, the Chair will appoint one of the Directors or Ex-Officio Member to serve as the Nominating Committee Chair.
The CMC Chair, with the advice of the Executive Board, shall appoint a Program Chair for the ASEE Annual Conference who also supports the CIP Program Chair for the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC), for Industry Day Panel Sessions co-sponsored by the College Industry Partnership (CIP) Division and the CMC. The Program Chair shall follow all ASEE procedures and protocols as designated in the annual Program Chair guidelines as well as those issued for the CIEC. In addition, the following procedures apply:
a. Regarding the Annual Conference; Call for abstracts and sessions for the next annual ASEE meeting shall be made available to CMC members during the annual business meeting.
b. The web site and electronic mail announcement shall also be made in the fall.
c. All deadlines for submitting abstracts; accepting papers and session presentations; the Program Chair shall determine who will be reviewing abstracts, papers, and presentations; and final submissions of documents. These deadlines shall appear in the fall announcements.
d. The Program Chair shall request and appoint CMC members as peer reviewers for abstracts, papers and presentations that require refereeing, and shall establish all necessary deadlines for review, revision, etc. For abstracts, papers, and presentations that are not refereed, the Program Chair shall notify the authors of all appropriate deadlines.
The Program Chair shall provide authors with relevant and appropriate guidelines not provided by the ASEE as specified in the Annual Program Chair Guidelines and the Program Guidelines for the CIEC.
By the fourth (4th) Thursday of March the Chair and the Past Chair will appoint a Nominating Committee from the membership of CMC. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a minimum of three persons. The Nominating Committee will prepare an electronic-mail notice to the CMC membership requesting nominations to be received not later than the fourth (4th) Thursday of April.
The Nominating Committee will contact all nominated members to verify that the member is willing to serve as a Director or Officer if so elected. The slate of nominees will be communicated to all members of CMC by the fourth (4th) Thursday of May. The members of CMC will vote by electronic mail from the selection of the nominees for each open position; Officer or Director. Members voting must clearly identify themselves in the e-mail messages. All votes must be received by Thursday of the week before the Annual ASEE Conference.
New Officers and Directors shall be announced at the CMC Annual Meeting on Industry Day, and take office upon the conclusion of the ASEE Annual Conference.
The CMC shall hold an annual meeting at the ASEE's annual conference and one at the Annual CIEC, usually on Industry Day. The annual meeting shall be open to the public. Voting privileges, however, shall be extended only to members in good standing of the CMC. The business of the annual meeting shall include reports by the officers and the Chairs of standing committees and Special Interest Groups.
The time and place of the face-to-face meetings shall be announced to the CMC members ahead of time by e-mail and the posting on the CMC web site. A quorum to conduct business shall consist of 2/3 of the leadership team for CMC. A majority of those voting shall be sufficient for any decisions unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.
The CMC shall hold monthly scheduled teleconferences and conduct its business by electronic mail, or postal delivery providing all provisions of the bylaws are observed and that such business is reported at the next teleconference or annual meeting of the CMC. A minimum of thirty (30) days shall be allowed between the mailing of any ballot, motion, or resolution and the date for its return.
The CMC may adopt its own rules of procedure, but in the absence of such rules, Robert's Rule of Order, latest edition, shall apply.
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members responding to an electronic mail, or postal mail ballot of the CMC membership. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Board or by a majority vote of Members attending an annual meeting of the CMC.
These Bylaws shall be deemed accepted upon an affirmative majority vote of members responding to an electronic mail, or postal mail ballot of the CMC membership. They shall become effective upon approval by the ASEE Board of Directors.
All modifications and changes to these By-Laws must be presented to and approved by the ASEE Board of Directors. before they shall become effective.