Revised: June 2007
1.0 General Awards Policy and Procedures
6.0 Awards Committee Structure and Process
8.0 Administration of National and Society Awards
9.0 Administration of Society Unit Awards
10.0 National Award Procedures
11.0 Procedures for Society Unit Endowed and Sponsor Funded Awards
12.0 Procedures for Society Unit Funded Awards
This Society Awards Program Policies and Procedures Manual has been developed to assist those who have accepted responsibility for administering the Society awards program. This manual includes information regarding policies approved by the ASEE Board of Directors and specific procedures for the implementation of these policies.
To assist Headquarters with the administration of the awards program, please note the calendar of awards deadlines at the end of this manual. Use it as a reminder to send ASEE Headquarters the necessary information concerning the awards program and its publicity.
The Awards Policy Committee is the Society standing committee responsible for administration of the awards program. Through the combined efforts of volunteer leaders, the American Society for Engineering Education awards program will continue to be successful in its recognition and encouragement of distinguished engineering and engineering technology education.
ASEE awards advance the purposes of the Society by recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of engineering and engineering technology educators. ASEE award recipients exemplify the best in engineering and engineering technology education by continually contributing to the profession and allied fields and by participating in ASEE and in civic and community affairs.
Any member of ASEE may be nominated for any national or society award, or Honorary or Fellow member status, depending upon the award criteria and the members' qualifications.In exceptional circumstances, with approval of the President, in the event that only one candidate is nominated for a specific award, an award may be given. It is ASEE's policy that candidates for ASEE awards are ineligible to receive more than one society-wide award per year. No member of the ASEE Awards Policy Committee, however, may receive a national or society award, Fellow Member or Honorary Member status, during their term of office. In addition to an annual financial review, the nature and purpose of all awards shall be reviewed by the Awards Policy Committee, the Executive Director, and the Board of Directors on a ten year cycle or more frequently as needed.
A national award that is endowed may be named for the donor or for a person who has provided leadership or exhibited excellence by noteworthy accomplishment in the area in which the award will be designated.
A national award that is sponsor-funded should be named for a person who has provided leadership or exhibited excellence by noteworthy accomplishment in the area in which the award will be designated or, in cases where continued sponsorship requires it, the award may be named for the sponsor. Only when necessitated for sponsorship may the name of the sponsor appear on the national award certificate, plaque, etc. However, an accompanying leaflet, describing the award and awardee and displaying the sponsor's name, may be developed by the sponsor. Except where already established, no award shall be named for a living person.
ASEE awards are to be presented at the appropriately designated Society meetings. Exceptions must have approval of the Awards Policy Committee and the Board of Directors. The name of the Society must appear prominently and centrally on any plaques, certificates, medals, etc., associated with an award. The Awards Policy Committee must approve the design and language of all award mementos.
A ceremony recognizing individuals elected to Honorary and Fellow Member status shall be held as an event of the ASEE Annual Conference. No other event may be scheduled in conflict with this ceremony. The ASEE President will preside over the event. At this event, the ASEE President may also recognize and introduce the outstanding Zone Campus Representatives.
Recipients of national and society awards are recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet which is held as an event of the ASEE Annual Conference. Newly elected Honorary and Fellow members may also be recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet. No other event may be scheduled in conflict with this awards ceremony. The ASEE president will preside over the event and confer the awards.
Each Society Unit conferring an award shall plan, organize and execute an appropriate award ceremony in conjunction with the ASEE Annual Conference. Exceptions must be approved by the Awards Policy Committee and by the Board of Directors.
As part of its annual meeting, each ASEE Section shall plan, organize and execute an appropriate ceremony recognizing and bestowing its respective Society Unit Award(s).
With the approval of the Awards Policy Committee and the Board of Directors, awards appropriate to the nature of the meeting may be conferred and bestowed at other ASEE conferences. There are currently Society Unit Awards given at the College Industry Education Conference (CIEC) and the Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).
Each National Award recipient, Society Award recipient, or Fellow inductee must, except for an emergency, such as illness or a death in the family, agree to attend the Annual Conference Awards Banquet or similar award presentation, or the award will be conferred on an alternate candidate who agrees to attend. In the case of a Fellow who is unable to attend (except for an emergency), induction may be deferred for one year to the next Annual Conference before induction is withdrawn. The National Award recipient, Society Award recipient, or newly recognized Fellow and their spouse/guest are the Society's special guests at the Annual Society Awards Banquet and receive complimentary tickets.
National Awards are designated as such by the Board of Directors of the Society and are:
Except in the case of prior existing agreements to the contrary, all national awards must be endowed according to the endowment policies of the Society.
Society Awards are a special category of National Awards and include:
Society Awards are bestowed infrequently by the ASEE Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Awards Policy Committee. Society Awards are funded through Society operating funds and contributions.
Recognition as an Honorary Member is a special category of membership conferred in the manner of an award. This recognition may be bestowed on members or nonmembers of the Society for eminent and distinguished service to mankind in engineering or engineering technology education or allied fields.
Nominations are made to the President of the Society and recipients are selected by the Awards Policy Committee and are subject to a three fourths vote of approval by the Board of Directors.
Recognition as a Fellow of the Society is a special category of membership conferred in the manner of an award. This recognition may be bestowed on members of the Society for outstanding contributions to engineering or engineering technology education or allied fields. Recipients are selected by the Fellow Member Committee subject to approval by the Awards Policy Committee.
Awards which are administered and bestowed by a unit of the Society can be either externally sponsored, Society unit sponsored, or endowed. The current Society Unit Awards are as follows:
Aerospace Division/AIAA
John Leland Atwood Award
Mechanical Engineering Division
Ralph Coats Roe Award
Nuclear Engineering Division
Glenn Murphy Award
Electrical Engineering Division
Frederick Emmons Terman Award
Engineering Research Council
Research Administration Award
Curtis W. McGraw Research Award
Corporate Member Council
CMC Excellence in Engineering Education Collaboration Awards
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Division
Award for Excellence in Teaching Materials and Methods in Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Early Achievement in Education Award
Biomedical Engineering Division
Theo C. Pilkington Outstanding Educator Award
Biomedical Engineering Teaching Award
Best Paper Award
Chemical Engineering Division
CACHE Award for Excellence in Computing in Chemical Engineering Education
William H. Corcoran Award
Ray W. Fahien Award
Joseph J. Martin Award
Chemstations Lectureship Award
Lifetime Achievement in Chemical Engineering Pedagogical Scholarship Award
ChE Division Engineering Education Mentoring Recipient Grant
ChE Division Graduate Student Future Faculty Grant
ChE Division Mentoring and Travel Grant for New Attendees
Civil Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
George K. Wadlin Distinguished Service Award
Gerald R. Seeley Fellowship
College Industry Partnership Division
Best Paper Award
Best Session Award
Willard D. Cheek Exemplary Service Award
Computers in Education Division
John A. Curtis Lecture Award
EAI Award
Woody Everett Award
Merl K. Miller Award
Harden Simons Prize
Ray H. Speiss Award
Continuing Professional Development Division
Joseph M. Biedenbach Distinguished Service Award
Certificate of Merit
Outstanding Paper Award
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division
Best Session Award
Alvah K. Borman Award
Division for Experimentation and Laboratory Oriented Studies (DELOS)
Best Paper Award
Distinguished Service Award
Educational Research and Methods Division/IEEE
Benjamin J. Dasher Best Paper Award
Distinguished Service Award
Helen L. Plants Award for Special Events
Ronald J. Schmitz Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Frontiers in Education Conference
Best Paper Award
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division
ECE Distinguished Educator Award
ECE Meritorious Service Award
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division
Best Paper Award
Engineering Design Graphics Division
Distinguished Service Award
Oppenheimer Award
Engineering Economy Division
Eugene L. Grant Award
Best Paper Award
Engineering Libraries Division
Homer I. Bernhardt Distinguished Service Award
Best Paper Award
Best Poster Award
Best Reference Work Award
Engineering Management Division
Best Paper Award
Best Presentation Award
Bernard R. Sarchet Award
Merl Baker Award
Engineering Technology Division
Best Presentation Award
Best Session Award
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division
Kauffman Award for Excellence in Engineering or Technology Entrepreneurship Education
Environmental Engineering Division
Outstanding Presenter Award
Graduate Studies Division
Keating Award for Innovation and Leadership in Lifelong Learning in Graduate Engineering Education
Industrial Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
Distinguished Service Award
Lifetime Achievement Award
New Industrial Engineering Educator Outstanding Paper Award
Information Systems Division
Richard B. Wadsworth Multimedia Award
Best Paper Award
International Division
Best Paper Award
Service Award
Global Engineering and Engineering Tecnology Educator Award
K-12 Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
Liberal Education Division
The Sterling Olmsted Award
Mathematics Division
Distinguished Educator and Service Award
Best Paper Award
Mechanical Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
Best Poster Award
Outstanding New Mechanical Engineering Educator Award
Mechanics Division
Archie Higdon Distinguished Educator Award
Ferdinand P. Beer and E. Russel Johnston, Jr. Outstanding New Mechanics Educator Award
James L. Meriam Service Award
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
Physics Division
Distinguished Educator and Service Award
Systems Engineering Constituent Committee
Best Paper Award
Women in Engineering Division
Denice D. Denton Best Paper Award
Mara H. Wasburn Apprentice Educator Grant
All ASEE Zones/Sections
Outstanding Zone/Section Campus Representative Award
ASEE Section Outstanding Teaching Award
Gulf Southwest Section
Best Paper Awards
Outstanding Service Award
Outstanding Young Faculty Award
Illinois/Indiana Section
Best Paper Award
Middle Atlantic Section
Distinguished Teaching Award
Midwest Section
Best Paper Awards
Outstanding Standing Service Award
Effective Teaching Award-Engineering
Effective Teaching Award-Engineering Technology
Midwest Section Person-Mile Award
North Midwest Section
Best Paper Award
Pacific Southwest Section
Outstanding Community College Educator Award
St. Lawrence Section
Outstanding Educator Award
Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI) - School of Engineering & Technology
ASEE Undergraduate Teaching/Mentor/Tutor Award
ASEE Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
All Society award activity should be budgeted and self-sustaining, except for the Society sponsored Awards and those activities conducted on a volunteer basis for the benefit and on behalf of the Society. Financial arrangements for awards are subject to the approval and periodic review of the Awards Policy Committee and the Finance Committee. All awards for which nominations are processed through ASEE Headquarters shall be assessed an Award Administration Fee as approved by the Finance Committee.
An endowed award is one which is funded in perpetuity by the earnings of a restricted Society investment with the corpus of the investment being untouchable for purposes other than providing income for the purposes of the award. When planning an endowed award it is important to be aware of the following Society Policies:
A sponsored award is one which is funded on an annual or multi-year basis. They can be externally sponsored through outside grants and contributions or sponsored with funds earned by a Society unit. The basic parameters of Sponsored Awards are as follows:
Externally Sponsored Awards
1. Externally Sponsored, National Award:
The requirements for a national award which is externally sponsored are:
2. Externally Sponsored, Society Unit Award:
The minimum financial requirements for a Society Unit Award which is externally sponsored are as follows:
Society Unit Sponsored Awards
The requirements for a Society Unit Award which is externally sponsored are as follows:
Any unexpended balance in an award account shall be carried forward into the next fiscal year or placed in the endowed account, as recommended by the Award Policy Committee and the Finance Committee.
Board of Directors' policy prescribes that all awards be self-supporting, except the Society sponsored awards. The costs associated with any and all awards, except salaries, benefits and overhead, are to be covered by the income from the endowment, external sponsors, or the Society unit sponsors. ASEE Headquarters provides a number of services in support of the various awards and the overall awards program.
The Society maintains permanent, restricted awards funds (e.g. trusts, endowments, etc.). The investment of such restricted funds is authorized by the Investment Policy Committee and the Finance Committee and managed by the Executive Director. As funds are collected by an ASEE unit, monies should be accumulated by using the Headquarters Banking and Accounting Services System (BASS) until sufficient funds are available for external investment such that the award can be operated on the interest earned.
ASEE Headquarters is responsible for invoicing the sponsors of National Awards for the direct costs and an award administration fee incurred. Society units chairs are responsible for invoicing the sponsors of externally sponsored Society unit awards. Billing should take place allowing reasonable and sufficient time for funds to arrive prior to the end of the fiscal year.
The Awards Policy Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors and report through the Immediate Past President. The Awards Policy Committee assists the Board by continuously evaluating the Society awards program (including all policies relative to the granting of awards) by establishing new awards, and by implementing award presentation procedures. Further, the Awards Policy Committee reviews and approves all award recommendations of the various awards selection committees. In view of the Society wide responsibilities of the Awards Policy Committee, the membership shall consist of five members, including a recent past President or past Vice President preferably as chairperson, two former members of the Board of Directors, and two members at large.
The Fellow Member Selection Committee is a standing committee of the Society and reports through the Awards Policy Committee. The Fellow Member Selection Committee may solicit nominations and make nominations, as well as review nominations and select individuals to be recognized as Fellow members of the Society. The membership of the Fellow Member Selection committee shall consist of five members, including a recent past President or past Vice President preferably as Chairperson, two former members of the Board of Directors, and two members at large.
All awards must have a duly appointed selection committee. With the advice of the officers of the Society unit and/or current Award Committee Chair, the President of the Society appoints the Chair and members of national and society awards committees. Society Unit awards are to be under the jurisdiction and control of designated ASEE units. Their structure and processes are subject to the approval of the Society Awards Policy Committee and the Board of Directors.
The Awards Committee Chairs shall be responsible for communicating committee decisions to ASEE Headquarters and for providing all information required. No awardee shall be notified by the Award Committee in advance of the official letter from ASEE Headquarters.
The Award Selection Committee Chair is expected to exercise initiative in securing nominations of as many well qualified candidates as possible. All nominations must be sent to ASEE Headquarters by January 15 of each year. If the Award Committee has not received a reasonable number of nominations in past years or needs to publicize a new award, the Chair may wish to issue, in early fall, a preliminary notification of the search for nominations. Headquarters can provide mailing labels of members/affiliates of the Engineering Deans Council and Engineering Technology Council, or for similar administrative groups, as is appropriate for the specific award. The cost of the labels shall be borne by the award income account.
The ASEE Awards Program is one of the largest and most diverse of any professional society. The administrative challenges for volunteers and Headquarters staff are substantial. Diligent efforts shall be made to ensure due consideration of all qualified nominations. In exceptional circumstances, with approval of the president, in the event that only one candidate is nominated for a specific award, an award may be given. It is ASEE's policy that awards candidates are ineligible to receive more than one society wide award per year. The society views the role of the nominator as that of agent and advocate for the nominee, and as such the nominator is central to the success of the Awards Program.
Nominators are responsible for the proper assembly and submission of any and all documents and materials in support of the nomination. Each nomination submission shall include six copies of any and all supporting materials including, in the case of the Meriam/Wiley Award, six copies of the textbook which will be considered.
A renomination procedure shall be determined by each Award Committee. The Awards Committee Chairs should transfer Awards Committee files directly to their successors. Only information about award winners should be sent to ASEE Headquarters. This information is kept at Headquarters for one year before being destroyed.
Awards committees administration expenses for items such as postage, mailing labels, communication, and duplication will be paid from each restricted award fund at Headquarters. Vouchers or other backup documentation must accompany a request for reimbursement. Funds will not be made available for committee travel or secretarial support.
Awardee travel expenses shall be compensated in the form of fixed travel grants. In the interest of more effective planning and reduction of award expenses, efforts should be made to eliminate insofar as appropriate the reimbursement of awardee travel expenses for awards which currently use this method.
Subject to approval by the Awards Policy Committee and the Board of Directors, any Society unit (Council, Division, Section, Society Standing Committee, and Constituent Committee) may establish awards. Awards may be directed specifically to any discipline or activity in support of engineering education.
The basis for an award may be significant contributions in the area of administration, teaching, research, public service, etc. In the area of administration, the awards may be made to deans, department heads, or directors for outstanding administrative achievement and leadership for teaching. Recognition may be given for the development of skills in communications, counseling, authorship, etc. Researchers may be rewarded for new discoveries, significant publications, development of graduate students, etc. The basis for each award should be sufficiently broad and clearly designed so that an appropriate number of potential candidates will be available for consideration. It is intended that awards be conferred on an annual basis.
Proposals for establishing new ASEE awards must be submitted to the Awards Policy Committee through the Manager, Administrative Services, who will provide guidance and answer any questions the representatives of the sponsoring Society units may have. Proposals must contain at least the following essential information:
Biographical information on and possibly a photograph of the person for whom the award is being named. (If being named for a company or other organization, a thorough description of that organization is to be included.)
Immediately following the approval of national and society award recipients by the Awards Policy Committee, ASEE Headquarters will complete the following activities:
Immediately following the approval of the Fellow members by the Awards Policy Committee, the Chairperson of the Awards Policy Committee will officially notify the Fellow recipients and confirm their intentions to attend the Annual Meeting, and notify ASEE Headquarters of the Fellow members selected so that a congratulatory letter of notification may be sent, with copies to the Chairs of the Awards Policy Committee and the Fellow Member Selection Committee. All other activities pertaining to ASEE Fellow Member recognition will be handled by ASEE Headquarters.
After the Awards Policy Committee confirms the award recipients, ASEE Headquarters shall provide all Award Committee Chairs with a list of the Award recipients. Award Committee Chairs shall immediately notify the nominators of non winners and the Chairs may recommend renomination of those who stood well in the competition. Headquarters provides this service for national and society awards.
ASEE provides the following services for all national and society awards:
For each Society Unit award, the nature, scope, and funding of the award, the nomination process, the selection and approval of the award winner(s); the time and place of award presentation and the general and financial administration of the award are all the responsibility of the sponsoring Society unit's officers. Only the initial establishment of these awards requires Awards Policy Committee and Board of Directors approval.
The responsibility for notifying award winners and providing them all necessary information rests with the Society Unit Chair.
The responsibility for notifying the nominators of the non winners and for briefing them on renomination procedures rests with the Society Unit chair.
By March 1, each National Award Committee Chair should submit to ASEE Headquarters the following four items:
ASEE Headquarters will contact the Award Chair or designee regarding participation specifics at the awards ceremony.
As soon as the Awards Policy Committee confirms the committee selection, a congratulatory letter of notification from Headquarters will be sent to each awardee with copies to the Award Committee Chair, the Chair of the appropriate sponsoring Council or other unit, and the sponsor's representative. No awardee should be notified by the Award Committee in advance of the official letter. At the same time, to meet publication deadlines, ASEE Headquarters will request two 5" x 7" black and white head and shoulder, non Polaroid, photographs of the awardees.
ASEE Headquarters will notify the nominator of the awardee. At the same time, Headquarters will inform the nominators of the candidates who were not selected. The renomination procedure will be outlined for the nominators.
Assistance with the cost of travel to the awards ceremony should come in the form of a fixed price travel grant rather than an open-ended reimbursement of expenses.
Headquarters will publicize the awardees in the Annual Conference Awards Banquet Program, the September issue of ASEE Prism, and in a news release sent to professional and technical journals, libraries, associations and other organizations.
At appropriate intervals, headquarters will send several copies of the Awards Nomination Booklet, issues of ASEE Prism featuring the particular awards and recipients, a news release, and the Annual Conference Awards Banquet Program to the national awards sponsors, to the sponsors of Society Unit awards that are processed through Headquarters, and to others as requested by Society Unit Officers.
It is the responsibility of the Award Committee Chairs to devise a process which will encourage the nomination of as many well qualified candidates as possible. New Chairs may want to contact their predecessors for tips and guidelines based on their previous experience. Appendix A provides an example of one method that has been successful for several awards the preliminary search for candidates.
By March 1, each Award Committee Chair should submit to ASEE Headquarters the following items:
The awardee should be notified about selection by the appropriate Division or Section officer. In addition, nominators of those not selected should be notified. The Society unit should also notify the award sponsor's representative, giving the name and affiliation of the awardee and details of the award presentation, especially if the representative is to be invited to be present at or to participate in the award ceremony. Presentation of awards occurs at the ASEE Annual Conference .
Headquarters will publicize the awardee in the Annual Conference Awards Banquet Program and the October issue of ASEE Prism. Other publicity, if desired, should be arranged by the Division.
Every effort should be made to eliminate the reimbursement of awardee travel expenses. Awardee travel expenses should be compensated in the form of fixed travel grants. In the case of the Electrical Engineering Division's, Terman Award, the Hewlett Packard Company, not ASEE Headquarters, is directly responsible for reimbursing the awardee for travel expenses.
Preparation of mementos and cash awards is the responsibility of the sponsoring unit.
By March 1, each Award Committee Chair should submit to ASEE Headquarters the following three items:
Preparation of mementos and cash awards is the responsibility of the sponsoring unit.
Preliminary Search for Award Nominations
(Sample Memorandum to Deans of Engineering and Engineering Technology)
Invitation of Preliminary Nominations for the Lamme Award
The Lamme Award is conferred by the American Society for Engineering Education for excellence in teaching and for contribution to the art of teaching, research, technical literature, advancement of the profession, and administration of engineering colleges. The Lamme Trust Fund was established in 1928 in memory of Benjamin Garver Lamme (18641924). The award consists of a gold medal and a certificate. Membership in the American Society for Engineering Education is not a requirement for eligibility for this award, however, only Society members may nominate a candidate for this award. Benjamin Garver Lamme spent most of his life working for the Westinghouse Electric Company as an inventor and developer of electrical machinery. He pioneered the design of rotary converters, developed direct current railway motors and produced the first commercially successful induction motor. His keen interest in the training of young engineers resulted in the development of a design school at Westinghouse. A further result of this interest was the establishment of the Lamme Award which is given to encourage good technical teaching in order to advance the engineering profession.
Preliminary Nomination Instructions
Thank you very much for assisting in identifying qualified persons who should be considered for this distinguished award.
Chair, Award Committee
Sample Renomination Letter
March 29, (year)
The ________ Award Committee, after lengthy and difficult deliberations, selected Professor __________ as the recipient of the (year) ___________ Award. The quality of the nominees was very high and made the decision extremely difficult. ______________ was among the finalists and should be commended for his accomplishments. Indeed, your willingness to nominate him indicates a recognition of his excellence in undergraduate engineering education.
We truly appreciate the effort which was undertaken in preparing his nomination and hope you will nominate him again next year.
Please convey our sincere appreciation to all the people who provided supporting letters.
Chair, _________________ Award Committee
ALL - All Awards Chairs
APC - Awards Policy Committee
APCC - Awards Policy Committee Chair
CC - College Industry Education Conference Chair
DC - Division/Committee Chairs
HQ - ASEE Headquarters
M - ASEE Members
SC - Section Chairs
ZC - Zone Chairs
When: JUNE 1
Who: HQ
What: Send Awards Nomination Booklet to APC for update and discussion at its meeting held at the Annual Conference. The review begins in July of each year.
When: JULY 15
Who: HQ
What: Deadline for sending sponsor invoices/statements of award costs, requesting payment and/or acknowledging contributions as appropriate.
When: JULY 15
Who: APC
What: Proposed revisions of Awards Nomination Booklet due at HQ.
When: AUGUST 1
What: Final review of booklet.
Who: HQ
What: Send latest edition of Society Awards Program Manual to all awards chairs.
When: JANUARY 15
Who: M
What: All nominations due at HQ.
Who: HQ
What: Mail packet of nominations to respective committees. Include letter requesting decision be sent to HQ by March 1.
When: MARCH 1
Who: ALL
What: Notify HQ of final selections.
When: MARCH 15
Who: APC
What: Approves award selections.
When: APRIL 1
Who: HQ
What: Submit awardee list to the Awards Policy Committee for confirmation.
When: APRIL 1
Who: ALL
What: Submit annual committee report to ASEE Executive Director.
When: APRIL 15
Who: HQ
What: Contact awardees to confirm selection and gather additional information. Disseminate information and prepare checks and mementos.
When: APRIL 15
Who: HQ
What: Compile Annual Conference Awards Banquet Program.
When: APRIL 25
Who: DC/SC
What: Publicize awardees in unit/section publications.
When: JUNE 1
Who: HQ
What: Arrange for national award mementos to be ready for award presentations. Send news release about national awardees to national mailing list of libraries, professional and technical journals, etc.
Who: SC
What: At least one month before section meeting, send HQ details of section meeting award ceremony.
Revised: June 2007
1.0 General Awards Policy and Procedures
6.0 Awards Committee Structure and Process
8.0 Administration of National and Society Awards
9.0 Administration of Society Unit Awards
10.0 National Award Procedures
11.0 Procedures for Society Unit Endowed and Sponsor Funded Awards
12.0 Procedures for Society Unit Funded Awards
This Society Awards Program Policies and Procedures Manual has been developed to assist those who have accepted responsibility for administering the Society awards program. This manual includes information regarding policies approved by the ASEE Board of Directors and specific procedures for the implementation of these policies.
To assist Headquarters with the administration of the awards program, please note the calendar of awards deadlines at the end of this manual. Use it as a reminder to send ASEE Headquarters the necessary information concerning the awards program and its publicity.
The Awards Policy Committee is the Society standing committee responsible for administration of the awards program. Through the combined efforts of volunteer leaders, the American Society for Engineering Education awards program will continue to be successful in its recognition and encouragement of distinguished engineering and engineering technology education.
ASEE awards advance the purposes of the Society by recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of engineering and engineering technology educators. ASEE award recipients exemplify the best in engineering and engineering technology education by continually contributing to the profession and allied fields and by participating in ASEE and in civic and community affairs.
Any member of ASEE may be nominated for any national or society award, or Honorary or Fellow member status, depending upon the award criteria and the members' qualifications.In exceptional circumstances, with approval of the President, in the event that only one candidate is nominated for a specific award, an award may be given. It is ASEE's policy that candidates for ASEE awards are ineligible to receive more than one society-wide award per year. No member of the ASEE Awards Policy Committee, however, may receive a national or society award, Fellow Member or Honorary Member status, during their term of office. In addition to an annual financial review, the nature and purpose of all awards shall be reviewed by the Awards Policy Committee, the Executive Director, and the Board of Directors on a ten year cycle or more frequently as needed.
A national award that is endowed may be named for the donor or for a person who has provided leadership or exhibited excellence by noteworthy accomplishment in the area in which the award will be designated.
A national award that is sponsor-funded should be named for a person who has provided leadership or exhibited excellence by noteworthy accomplishment in the area in which the award will be designated or, in cases where continued sponsorship requires it, the award may be named for the sponsor. Only when necessitated for sponsorship may the name of the sponsor appear on the national award certificate, plaque, etc. However, an accompanying leaflet, describing the award and awardee and displaying the sponsor's name, may be developed by the sponsor. Except where already established, no award shall be named for a living person.
ASEE awards are to be presented at the appropriately designated Society meetings. Exceptions must have approval of the Awards Policy Committee and the Board of Directors. The name of the Society must appear prominently and centrally on any plaques, certificates, medals, etc., associated with an award. The Awards Policy Committee must approve the design and language of all award mementos.
A ceremony recognizing individuals elected to Honorary and Fellow Member status shall be held as an event of the ASEE Annual Conference. No other event may be scheduled in conflict with this ceremony. The ASEE President will preside over the event. At this event, the ASEE President may also recognize and introduce the outstanding Zone Campus Representatives.
Recipients of national and society awards are recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet which is held as an event of the ASEE Annual Conference. Newly elected Honorary and Fellow members may also be recognized at the Annual Awards Banquet. No other event may be scheduled in conflict with this awards ceremony. The ASEE president will preside over the event and confer the awards.
Each Society Unit conferring an award shall plan, organize and execute an appropriate award ceremony in conjunction with the ASEE Annual Conference. Exceptions must be approved by the Awards Policy Committee and by the Board of Directors.
As part of its annual meeting, each ASEE Section shall plan, organize and execute an appropriate ceremony recognizing and bestowing its respective Society Unit Award(s).
With the approval of the Awards Policy Committee and the Board of Directors, awards appropriate to the nature of the meeting may be conferred and bestowed at other ASEE conferences. There are currently Society Unit Awards given at the College Industry Education Conference (CIEC) and the Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE).
Each National Award recipient, Society Award recipient, or Fellow inductee must, except for an emergency, such as illness or a death in the family, agree to attend the Annual Conference Awards Banquet or similar award presentation, or the award will be conferred on an alternate candidate who agrees to attend. In the case of a Fellow who is unable to attend (except for an emergency), induction may be deferred for one year to the next Annual Conference before induction is withdrawn. The National Award recipient, Society Award recipient, or newly recognized Fellow and their spouse/guest are the Society's special guests at the Annual Society Awards Banquet and receive complimentary tickets.
National Awards are designated as such by the Board of Directors of the Society and are:
Except in the case of prior existing agreements to the contrary, all national awards must be endowed according to the endowment policies of the Society.
Society Awards are a special category of National Awards and include:
Society Awards are bestowed infrequently by the ASEE Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Awards Policy Committee. Society Awards are funded through Society operating funds and contributions.
Recognition as an Honorary Member is a special category of membership conferred in the manner of an award. This recognition may be bestowed on members or nonmembers of the Society for eminent and distinguished service to mankind in engineering or engineering technology education or allied fields.
Nominations are made to the President of the Society and recipients are selected by the Awards Policy Committee and are subject to a three fourths vote of approval by the Board of Directors.
Recognition as a Fellow of the Society is a special category of membership conferred in the manner of an award. This recognition may be bestowed on members of the Society for outstanding contributions to engineering or engineering technology education or allied fields. Recipients are selected by the Fellow Member Committee subject to approval by the Awards Policy Committee.
Awards which are administered and bestowed by a unit of the Society can be either externally sponsored, Society unit sponsored, or endowed. The current Society Unit Awards are as follows:
Aerospace Division/AIAA
John Leland Atwood Award
Mechanical Engineering Division
Ralph Coats Roe Award
Nuclear Engineering Division
Glenn Murphy Award
Electrical Engineering Division
Frederick Emmons Terman Award
Engineering Research Council
Research Administration Award
Curtis W. McGraw Research Award
Corporate Member Council
CMC Excellence in Engineering Education Collaboration Awards
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Division
Award for Excellence in Teaching Materials and Methods in Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Early Achievement in Education Award
Biomedical Engineering Division
Theo C. Pilkington Outstanding Educator Award
Biomedical Engineering Teaching Award
Best Paper Award
Chemical Engineering Division
CACHE Award for Excellence in Computing in Chemical Engineering Education
William H. Corcoran Award
Ray W. Fahien Award
Joseph J. Martin Award
Chemstations Lectureship Award
Lifetime Achievement in Chemical Engineering Pedagogical Scholarship Award
ChE Division Engineering Education Mentoring Recipient Grant
ChE Division Graduate Student Future Faculty Grant
ChE Division Mentoring and Travel Grant for New Attendees
Civil Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
George K. Wadlin Distinguished Service Award
Gerald R. Seeley Fellowship
College Industry Partnership Division
Best Paper Award
Best Session Award
Willard D. Cheek Exemplary Service Award
Computers in Education Division
John A. Curtis Lecture Award
EAI Award
Woody Everett Award
Merl K. Miller Award
Harden Simons Prize
Ray H. Speiss Award
Continuing Professional Development Division
Joseph M. Biedenbach Distinguished Service Award
Certificate of Merit
Outstanding Paper Award
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division
Best Session Award
Alvah K. Borman Award
Division for Experimentation and Laboratory Oriented Studies (DELOS)
Best Paper Award
Distinguished Service Award
Educational Research and Methods Division/IEEE
Benjamin J. Dasher Best Paper Award
Distinguished Service Award
Helen L. Plants Award for Special Events
Ronald J. Schmitz Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Frontiers in Education Conference
Best Paper Award
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division
ECE Distinguished Educator Award
ECE Meritorious Service Award
Energy Conversion and Conservation Division
Best Paper Award
Engineering Design Graphics Division
Distinguished Service Award
Oppenheimer Award
Engineering Economy Division
Eugene L. Grant Award
Best Paper Award
Engineering Libraries Division
Homer I. Bernhardt Distinguished Service Award
Best Paper Award
Best Poster Award
Best Reference Work Award
Engineering Management Division
Best Paper Award
Best Presentation Award
Bernard R. Sarchet Award
Merl Baker Award
Engineering Technology Division
Best Presentation Award
Best Session Award
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division
Kauffman Award for Excellence in Engineering or Technology Entrepreneurship Education
Environmental Engineering Division
Outstanding Presenter Award
Graduate Studies Division
Keating Award for Innovation and Leadership in Lifelong Learning in Graduate Engineering Education
Industrial Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
Distinguished Service Award
Lifetime Achievement Award
New Industrial Engineering Educator Outstanding Paper Award
Information Systems Division
Richard B. Wadsworth Multimedia Award
Best Paper Award
International Division
Best Paper Award
Service Award
Global Engineering and Engineering Tecnology Educator Award
K-12 Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
Liberal Education Division
The Sterling Olmsted Award
Mathematics Division
Distinguished Educator and Service Award
Best Paper Award
Mechanical Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
Best Poster Award
Outstanding New Mechanical Engineering Educator Award
Mechanics Division
Archie Higdon Distinguished Educator Award
Ferdinand P. Beer and E. Russel Johnston, Jr. Outstanding New Mechanics Educator Award
James L. Meriam Service Award
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division
Best Paper Award
Physics Division
Distinguished Educator and Service Award
Systems Engineering Constituent Committee
Best Paper Award
Women in Engineering Division
Denice D. Denton Best Paper Award
Mara H. Wasburn Apprentice Educator Grant
All ASEE Zones/Sections
Outstanding Zone/Section Campus Representative Award
ASEE Section Outstanding Teaching Award
Gulf Southwest Section
Best Paper Awards
Outstanding Service Award
Outstanding Young Faculty Award
Illinois/Indiana Section
Best Paper Award
Middle Atlantic Section
Distinguished Teaching Award
Midwest Section
Best Paper Awards
Outstanding Standing Service Award
Effective Teaching Award-Engineering
Effective Teaching Award-Engineering Technology
Midwest Section Person-Mile Award
North Midwest Section
Best Paper Award
Pacific Southwest Section
Outstanding Community College Educator Award
St. Lawrence Section
Outstanding Educator Award
Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI) - School of Engineering & Technology
ASEE Undergraduate Teaching/Mentor/Tutor Award
ASEE Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
All Society award activity should be budgeted and self-sustaining, except for the Society sponsored Awards and those activities conducted on a volunteer basis for the benefit and on behalf of the Society. Financial arrangements for awards are subject to the approval and periodic review of the Awards Policy Committee and the Finance Committee. All awards for which nominations are processed through ASEE Headquarters shall be assessed an Award Administration Fee as approved by the Finance Committee.
An endowed award is one which is funded in perpetuity by the earnings of a restricted Society investment with the corpus of the investment being untouchable for purposes other than providing income for the purposes of the award. When planning an endowed award it is important to be aware of the following Society Policies:
A sponsored award is one which is funded on an annual or multi-year basis. They can be externally sponsored through outside grants and contributions or sponsored with funds earned by a Society unit. The basic parameters of Sponsored Awards are as follows:
Externally Sponsored Awards
1. Externally Sponsored, National Award:
The requirements for a national award which is externally sponsored are:
2. Externally Sponsored, Society Unit Award:
The minimum financial requirements for a Society Unit Award which is externally sponsored are as follows:
Society Unit Sponsored Awards
The requirements for a Society Unit Award which is externally sponsored are as follows:
Any unexpended balance in an award account shall be carried forward into the next fiscal year or placed in the endowed account, as recommended by the Award Policy Committee and the Finance Committee.
Board of Directors' policy prescribes that all awards be self-supporting, except the Society sponsored awards. The costs associated with any and all awards, except salaries, benefits and overhead, are to be covered by the income from the endowment, external sponsors, or the Society unit sponsors. ASEE Headquarters provides a number of services in support of the various awards and the overall awards program.
The Society maintains permanent, restricted awards funds (e.g. trusts, endowments, etc.). The investment of such restricted funds is authorized by the Investment Policy Committee and the Finance Committee and managed by the Executive Director. As funds are collected by an ASEE unit, monies should be accumulated by using the Headquarters Banking and Accounting Services System (BASS) until sufficient funds are available for external investment such that the award can be operated on the interest earned.
ASEE Headquarters is responsible for invoicing the sponsors of National Awards for the direct costs and an award administration fee incurred. Society units chairs are responsible for invoicing the sponsors of externally sponsored Society unit awards. Billing should take place allowing reasonable and sufficient time for funds to arrive prior to the end of the fiscal year.
The Awards Policy Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors and report through the Immediate Past President. The Awards Policy Committee assists the Board by continuously evaluating the Society awards program (including all policies relative to the granting of awards) by establishing new awards, and by implementing award presentation procedures. Further, the Awards Policy Committee reviews and approves all award recommendations of the various awards selection committees. In view of the Society wide responsibilities of the Awards Policy Committee, the membership shall consist of five members, including a recent past President or past Vice President preferably as chairperson, two former members of the Board of Directors, and two members at large.
The Fellow Member Selection Committee is a standing committee of the Society and reports through the Awards Policy Committee. The Fellow Member Selection Committee may solicit nominations and make nominations, as well as review nominations and select individuals to be recognized as Fellow members of the Society. The membership of the Fellow Member Selection committee shall consist of five members, including a recent past President or past Vice President preferably as Chairperson, two former members of the Board of Directors, and two members at large.
All awards must have a duly appointed selection committee. With the advice of the officers of the Society unit and/or current Award Committee Chair, the President of the Society appoints the Chair and members of national and society awards committees. Society Unit awards are to be under the jurisdiction and control of designated ASEE units. Their structure and processes are subject to the approval of the Society Awards Policy Committee and the Board of Directors.
The Awards Committee Chairs shall be responsible for communicating committee decisions to ASEE Headquarters and for providing all information required. No awardee shall be notified by the Award Committee in advance of the official letter from ASEE Headquarters.
The Award Selection Committee Chair is expected to exercise initiative in securing nominations of as many well qualified candidates as possible. All nominations must be sent to ASEE Headquarters by January 15 of each year. If the Award Committee has not received a reasonable number of nominations in past years or needs to publicize a new award, the Chair may wish to issue, in early fall, a preliminary notification of the search for nominations. Headquarters can provide mailing labels of members/affiliates of the Engineering Deans Council and Engineering Technology Council, or for similar administrative groups, as is appropriate for the specific award. The cost of the labels shall be borne by the award income account.
The ASEE Awards Program is one of the largest and most diverse of any professional society. The administrative challenges for volunteers and Headquarters staff are substantial. Diligent efforts shall be made to ensure due consideration of all qualified nominations. In exceptional circumstances, with approval of the president, in the event that only one candidate is nominated for a specific award, an award may be given. It is ASEE's policy that awards candidates are ineligible to receive more than one society wide award per year. The society views the role of the nominator as that of agent and advocate for the nominee, and as such the nominator is central to the success of the Awards Program.
Nominators are responsible for the proper assembly and submission of any and all documents and materials in support of the nomination. Each nomination submission shall include six copies of any and all supporting materials including, in the case of the Meriam/Wiley Award, six copies of the textbook which will be considered.
A renomination procedure shall be determined by each Award Committee. The Awards Committee Chairs should transfer Awards Committee files directly to their successors. Only information about award winners should be sent to ASEE Headquarters. This information is kept at Headquarters for one year before being destroyed.
Awards committees administration expenses for items such as postage, mailing labels, communication, and duplication will be paid from each restricted award fund at Headquarters. Vouchers or other backup documentation must accompany a request for reimbursement. Funds will not be made available for committee travel or secretarial support.
Awardee travel expenses shall be compensated in the form of fixed travel grants. In the interest of more effective planning and reduction of award expenses, efforts should be made to eliminate insofar as appropriate the reimbursement of awardee travel expenses for awards which currently use this method.
Subject to approval by the Awards Policy Committee and the Board of Directors, any Society unit (Council, Division, Section, Society Standing Committee, and Constituent Committee) may establish awards. Awards may be directed specifically to any discipline or activity in support of engineering education.
The basis for an award may be significant contributions in the area of administration, teaching, research, public service, etc. In the area of administration, the awards may be made to deans, department heads, or directors for outstanding administrative achievement and leadership for teaching. Recognition may be given for the development of skills in communications, counseling, authorship, etc. Researchers may be rewarded for new discoveries, significant publications, development of graduate students, etc. The basis for each award should be sufficiently broad and clearly designed so that an appropriate number of potential candidates will be available for consideration. It is intended that awards be conferred on an annual basis.
Proposals for establishing new ASEE awards must be submitted to the Awards Policy Committee through the Manager, Administrative Services, who will provide guidance and answer any questions the representatives of the sponsoring Society units may have. Proposals must contain at least the following essential information:
Biographical information on and possibly a photograph of the person for whom the award is being named. (If being named for a company or other organization, a thorough description of that organization is to be included.)
Immediately following the approval of national and society award recipients by the Awards Policy Committee, ASEE Headquarters will complete the following activities:
Immediately following the approval of the Fellow members by the Awards Policy Committee, the Chairperson of the Awards Policy Committee will officially notify the Fellow recipients and confirm their intentions to attend the Annual Meeting, and notify ASEE Headquarters of the Fellow members selected so that a congratulatory letter of notification may be sent, with copies to the Chairs of the Awards Policy Committee and the Fellow Member Selection Committee. All other activities pertaining to ASEE Fellow Member recognition will be handled by ASEE Headquarters.
After the Awards Policy Committee confirms the award recipients, ASEE Headquarters shall provide all Award Committee Chairs with a list of the Award recipients. Award Committee Chairs shall immediately notify the nominators of non winners and the Chairs may recommend renomination of those who stood well in the competition. Headquarters provides this service for national and society awards.
ASEE provides the following services for all national and society awards:
For each Society Unit award, the nature, scope, and funding of the award, the nomination process, the selection and approval of the award winner(s); the time and place of award presentation and the general and financial administration of the award are all the responsibility of the sponsoring Society unit's officers. Only the initial establishment of these awards requires Awards Policy Committee and Board of Directors approval.
The responsibility for notifying award winners and providing them all necessary information rests with the Society Unit Chair.
The responsibility for notifying the nominators of the non winners and for briefing them on renomination procedures rests with the Society Unit chair.
By March 1, each National Award Committee Chair should submit to ASEE Headquarters the following four items:
ASEE Headquarters will contact the Award Chair or designee regarding participation specifics at the awards ceremony.
As soon as the Awards Policy Committee confirms the committee selection, a congratulatory letter of notification from Headquarters will be sent to each awardee with copies to the Award Committee Chair, the Chair of the appropriate sponsoring Council or other unit, and the sponsor's representative. No awardee should be notified by the Award Committee in advance of the official letter. At the same time, to meet publication deadlines, ASEE Headquarters will request two 5" x 7" black and white head and shoulder, non Polaroid, photographs of the awardees.
ASEE Headquarters will notify the nominator of the awardee. At the same time, Headquarters will inform the nominators of the candidates who were not selected. The renomination procedure will be outlined for the nominators.
Assistance with the cost of travel to the awards ceremony should come in the form of a fixed price travel grant rather than an open-ended reimbursement of expenses.
Headquarters will publicize the awardees in the Annual Conference Awards Banquet Program, the September issue of ASEE Prism, and in a news release sent to professional and technical journals, libraries, associations and other organizations.
At appropriate intervals, headquarters will send several copies of the Awards Nomination Booklet, issues of ASEE Prism featuring the particular awards and recipients, a news release, and the Annual Conference Awards Banquet Program to the national awards sponsors, to the sponsors of Society Unit awards that are processed through Headquarters, and to others as requested by Society Unit Officers.
It is the responsibility of the Award Committee Chairs to devise a process which will encourage the nomination of as many well qualified candidates as possible. New Chairs may want to contact their predecessors for tips and guidelines based on their previous experience. Appendix A provides an example of one method that has been successful for several awards the preliminary search for candidates.
By March 1, each Award Committee Chair should submit to ASEE Headquarters the following items:
The awardee should be notified about selection by the appropriate Division or Section officer. In addition, nominators of those not selected should be notified. The Society unit should also notify the award sponsor's representative, giving the name and affiliation of the awardee and details of the award presentation, especially if the representative is to be invited to be present at or to participate in the award ceremony. Presentation of awards occurs at the ASEE Annual Conference .
Headquarters will publicize the awardee in the Annual Conference Awards Banquet Program and the October issue of ASEE Prism. Other publicity, if desired, should be arranged by the Division.
Every effort should be made to eliminate the reimbursement of awardee travel expenses. Awardee travel expenses should be compensated in the form of fixed travel grants. In the case of the Electrical Engineering Division's, Terman Award, the Hewlett Packard Company, not ASEE Headquarters, is directly responsible for reimbursing the awardee for travel expenses.
Preparation of mementos and cash awards is the responsibility of the sponsoring unit.
By March 1, each Award Committee Chair should submit to ASEE Headquarters the following three items:
Preparation of mementos and cash awards is the responsibility of the sponsoring unit.
Preliminary Search for Award Nominations
(Sample Memorandum to Deans of Engineering and Engineering Technology)
Invitation of Preliminary Nominations for the Lamme Award
The Lamme Award is conferred by the American Society for Engineering Education for excellence in teaching and for contribution to the art of teaching, research, technical literature, advancement of the profession, and administration of engineering colleges. The Lamme Trust Fund was established in 1928 in memory of Benjamin Garver Lamme (18641924). The award consists of a gold medal and a certificate. Membership in the American Society for Engineering Education is not a requirement for eligibility for this award, however, only Society members may nominate a candidate for this award. Benjamin Garver Lamme spent most of his life working for the Westinghouse Electric Company as an inventor and developer of electrical machinery. He pioneered the design of rotary converters, developed direct current railway motors and produced the first commercially successful induction motor. His keen interest in the training of young engineers resulted in the development of a design school at Westinghouse. A further result of this interest was the establishment of the Lamme Award which is given to encourage good technical teaching in order to advance the engineering profession.
Preliminary Nomination Instructions
Thank you very much for assisting in identifying qualified persons who should be considered for this distinguished award.
Chair, Award Committee
Sample Renomination Letter
March 29, (year)
The ________ Award Committee, after lengthy and difficult deliberations, selected Professor __________ as the recipient of the (year) ___________ Award. The quality of the nominees was very high and made the decision extremely difficult. ______________ was among the finalists and should be commended for his accomplishments. Indeed, your willingness to nominate him indicates a recognition of his excellence in undergraduate engineering education.
We truly appreciate the effort which was undertaken in preparing his nomination and hope you will nominate him again next year.
Please convey our sincere appreciation to all the people who provided supporting letters.
Chair, _________________ Award Committee
ALL - All Awards Chairs
APC - Awards Policy Committee
APCC - Awards Policy Committee Chair
CC - College Industry Education Conference Chair
DC - Division/Committee Chairs
HQ - ASEE Headquarters
M - ASEE Members
SC - Section Chairs
ZC - Zone Chairs
When: JUNE 1
Who: HQ
What: Send Awards Nomination Booklet to APC for update and discussion at its meeting held at the Annual Conference. The review begins in July of each year.
When: JULY 15
Who: HQ
What: Deadline for sending sponsor invoices/statements of award costs, requesting payment and/or acknowledging contributions as appropriate.
When: JULY 15
Who: APC
What: Proposed revisions of Awards Nomination Booklet due at HQ.
When: AUGUST 1
What: Final review of booklet.
Who: HQ
What: Send latest edition of Society Awards Program Manual to all awards chairs.
When: JANUARY 15
Who: M
What: All nominations due at HQ.
Who: HQ
What: Mail packet of nominations to respective committees. Include letter requesting decision be sent to HQ by March 1.
When: MARCH 1
Who: ALL
What: Notify HQ of final selections.
When: MARCH 15
Who: APC
What: Approves award selections.
When: APRIL 1
Who: HQ
What: Submit awardee list to the Awards Policy Committee for confirmation.
When: APRIL 1
Who: ALL
What: Submit annual committee report to ASEE Executive Director.
When: APRIL 15
Who: HQ
What: Contact awardees to confirm selection and gather additional information. Disseminate information and prepare checks and mementos.
When: APRIL 15
Who: HQ
What: Compile Annual Conference Awards Banquet Program.
When: APRIL 25
Who: DC/SC
What: Publicize awardees in unit/section publications.
When: JUNE 1
Who: HQ
What: Arrange for national award mementos to be ready for award presentations. Send news release about national awardees to national mailing list of libraries, professional and technical journals, etc.
Who: SC
What: At least one month before section meeting, send HQ details of section meeting award ceremony.