Papers presented at ASEE conferences may be posted in university repositories and republished or excerpted in other publications provided the citation makes clear that ASEE holds the copyright. A typical citation should read as follows:
©(Year of Conference) American Society for Engineering Education. ASEE (Annual Conference or Section Conference) Proceedings, (date), (city and state where the conference was held).
The Aerospace Division (AERO) of ASEE invites full length and work-in-progress papers for the 127th Annual Conference and Exposition. Aerospace educators, engineers and scientists in industry from across the world are invited to submit current papers on relevant topics in aeronautical/aerospace engineering and technology education.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
1. Engineering Epistemologies (research on what constitutes engineering thinking and knowledge within social contexts now and in the future)
o Professional development of aerospace engineers
o Integration of professional skills into an aerospace engineering course
o Aerospace systems engineering
2. Engineering Learning Mechanisms (research on engineering learners’ developing knowledge and competencies in context)
o Aircraft and/or spacecraft design education
o Capstone and/or student industry experiences
o Hands-on experiences (which may include laboratory classes)
o Aerospace related educational activities conducted outside the classroom
o Integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, CubeSats or Nanosats in the curriculum
3. Engineering Learning Systems (research on the instructional culture, institutional infrastructure, and epistemology of engineering educators)
o Effective and innovative teaching and projects in aerospace courses
4. Engineering Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness (research on how diverse human talents contribute solutions to the social and global challenges and relevance of our profession)
o K-12 outreach
o Student persistence in aerospace engineering
o Women and under-represented groups in aerospace engineering (academia and industry)
5. Engineering Assessment (research on, and the development of, assessment methods, instruments, and metrics to inform engineering education practice and learning)
o Aerospace engineering curriculum development or assessment
6. Any other topics of interest to the aerospace engineering community
Submission tips and guidelines
Abstracts, with approximately 500 words, must be submitted electronically through the ASEE paper submission system by the deadline of October 14, 2019. The abstracts should contain enough details on the topic of discussion, methodologies, preliminary results (if any) and expected outcomes to facilitate informed review of the abstract. Authors of each accepted abstract will have the opportunity to submit a full paper draft by the deadline of February 3, 2020. Abstracts and papers will be double-blind peer reviewed and judged based on the level of innovation, technical merit, demonstrated outcomes, and relevance to advancing aeronautical and aerospace engineering and technology education as appropriate. Special sessions, such as panel discussions, are encouraged but should be discussed directly with the program chair prior to abstract submission. Please refer to the Author's Kit, available at the ASEE Annual Conference web site, for additional information.
Questions regarding the abstract or paper submission can be directed to the AERO Program Chair, Dr. Nadir Yilmaz, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Howard University, by email: Further details on Paper Management, Conference, Travel, Program Schedule and Registration can be found at ASEE’s 2020 Annual Conference and Exposition website:
Note: If the paper is a “Work-in-Progress”, please include that in the title.
Aerospace Division Call for Student Papers
Student Paper Attributes
• AUTHORS: Work is mainly conducted by undergraduate / graduate student(s) in collaboration with a faculty advisor. The final manuscript of each accepted paper will list a student as the lead author and faculty advisor as a co-author. Each student presenter must register for the annual conference.
• FOCUS: Paper has a significant educational component.
• AWARDS: Only the papers presented by the student authors / co-authors are eligible for student paper awards. Up to three student papers will be recognized by both cash awards and certificates.
Review Process
• An approximately 500-word abstract must be submitted electronically through the ASEE paper submission system by the deadline of October 14, 2019. Please write “Student Paper” on top and do not list the names and affiliations of the authors. If accepted, a full paper draft must be submitted by the deadline of February 3, 2020.
Note: If the paper is a “Work-in-Progress”, please include that in the title.
Important Dates:
• Abstract Submission: Open – September 3, 2019
• Abstract Submission: Due – October 14, 2019
• Draft Paper Due – February 3, 2020
• Revised Paper Due – March 16, 2020
More info:
Contact AERO Program Chair: Dr. Nadir Yilmaz, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Howard University, by email:
The Architectural Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education invites you to submit abstracts for the 2021 Annual Conference & Exposition that will take place in Long Beach, California on June 27 - 30, 2021. Abstracts from academia and industry related to the teaching of architectural and construction engineering, engineering technology and building science are highly encouraged. The AE Division of ASEE has a Publish-to-Present requirement, and both abstract and paper submissions are subject to a blind peer review process.
Please submit a 200 - 400 word abstract electronically through the ASEE Conferences website for review - Abstract submissions are open now and are due by 11:59 pm EST on Monday October 12, 2020. Please refer to the PDF link below for details on the submission process, and to the ASEE conference website at for information on deadlines. Please do not hesitate to contact the Program Chair (John Phillips) at if you have questions or need additional information - We look forward to your submission, and to seeing you at the conference in Long Beach.
The ASEE Committee on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (CDEI) invites proposals for professional
development programming, panel discussions, and other relevant community conversations
(hereafter called Special Sessions) for the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal.
We invite submissions on any topic relevant to diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering and
related sectors across industry, government, community, and academia. CDEI is interested in
sessions that guide participants to develop skills, knowledge, or abilities to improve equity and
inclusion in their classrooms or professional and academic communities.
Special Sessions are 90 minutes and they must be interactive with an immersive inquiry.
Proposals for all Special Sessions must be submitted by October 14, and presenters will be notified
by October 25. You must include the following in your submission :
● Presenter names and contact information
● Title
● Type of Session (Interactive Workshop, Community Conversation / Roundtable, Panel)
● Topical Focus (race, gender, class, etc.)
● Intended Audience
● Abstract (max 500 characters including spaces)
● Learning Objectives
● Detailed Description (max 10,000 characters including spaces)
For more information, contact Meagan Pollock,
Submit proposals here:
The ASEE Committee on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion does not host a paper program, however the
CDEI partners with the technical and affinity divisions to co-sponsor research and program
implementation papers addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion topics. We encourage authors to
submit scholarly works related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access to the ASEE division most
closely aligned with your research or program to publish and present your scholarship.
The Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) invites papers for the 2020 Annual Conference and Exposition in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Please consider submitting papers on topics relevant to biomedical engineering (BME) education and joining us at this exceptional conference. Sessions in typical years have included papers on BME laboratories and projects, courses and curricula, experiential and global learning, industry engagement, pedagogy and assessment, design, problem based learning, and inclusive learning environments. Authors are encouraged to submit papers on any relevant topic in BME education.
Please see the PDF document for complete details. We hope to see you in Montreal!
The ASEE Community Engagement Division (CED) is soliciting abstracts and papers for the June 2020 ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Submitted abstracts and papers can take many forms: theoretical to practical, conceptual to experiential, all with emphasis given to evidence-based papers and presentations.
Community Engagement is an umbrella term for community-based research, humanitarian engineering, service learning, civically-engaged learners, technology-based social entrepreneurship and more. Community organizations (either local or from abroad) partner with institutions of engineering education for the mutual benefit of communities and engineering students. Ideally, student teams and citizens work together on the shared purpose of completing community-identified projects aimed at increasing community assets. The CED is a scholarly community for faculty interested in the various ways engineering students, faculty, institutions, communities, and other stakeholders are impacted through the many different types of CE efforts.
The division is particularly interested in papers that fall into one of two distinct categories: (1) Traditional Research Papers and (2) Engagement in Practice (Work-In-Progress) Papers.
If you have any questions about possible paper or special session ideas please contact the program chair:
Malini Natarajarathinam, PhD, Associate Professor,
Department of Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution (ETID)
Texas A&M University
The Continuing Professional Development Division (CPDD) invites you to submit abstracts for papers and associated presentations at the 2020 ASEE Annual conference on topics related to educational opportunities for working professionals, adult learners and innovative means of delivering educational programs. Topics of particular interest for the 2020 Annual Conference include:
• The future of work and this impact on professional education
• Futureproofing the technical workforce and implications for continuing education providers
• Establishing appropriate admission criteria for non-traditional graduate students (what metrics to use)
• Use of virtual reality and / or augmented reality in programs for the workforce
• Preparing engineers to work on virtual and/or multi-disciplinary projects
• Best practices in the design of courses and programs for working professionals
• Defining and measuring the return on investment of continuing professional development
• Best practices in supporting faculty development for teaching adult professional learners
• Support for professionals transitioning from industry to a higher education faculty or administrative position
• Using learning analytics in assessment and improvement of continuing professional development programs
• International engineering education expansion and collaboration
• Facilitating and managing collaborative teams online
• Best practices in promoting faculty-student interaction in online courses
• Social media and mobile learning in continuing professional development courses and programs
The CPD Division accepts works in progress as well as completed studies. Authors should indicate Work in Progress in the title of their abstracts and papers. For more information contact the 2019/20 Continuing Professional Development Division Program Chair: Keith Plemmons, The Citadel, 843-224-8100,
DEED members,
We look forward to seeing you all in Montréal, Québec, Canada for ASEE 2020!
Please note the submission schedule below in the DEED Call for Papers.
Zahed Siddique
2020 DEED Program Chair
Beshoy Morkos
Program Chair Elect
The Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) invites abstracts for papers to be presented at the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference to be held June 21 - 24, 2020, in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Abstracts may be submitted on topics related to the role of design in engineering education.
Abstract Submissions Open - September 3, 2019
Abstract Submissions Due - October 14, 2019
Draft Paper (for accepted abstracts) Due - February 3, 2020
The 2020 Conference Authors Kit is available on this link:
The purpose of DEED is to disseminate knowledge, learning and best-practice experiences that improve the quality of engineering design education proficiencies and pedagogy. This division is relevant and inclusive to both engineering design instructors and research practitioners. DEED defines relevant and inclusive as applicable and comprehensive through the education and research processes to the design education community.
DEED seeks contributions on topics that include, but are not limited to, capstone design, first-year engineering design, innovation in design education, design instruction and pedagogy, teams and teamwork in design education, design for community, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary design, use of technology to enhance design education, sustainable design, design for “X”, assessment of design activities, design realization, design methodology as well as design-based entrepreneurial mindset, and how these topics relate to equity, access, diversity, and inclusion.
Authors are encouraged to submit work that is beneficial to other design educators and to suggest strategies for transferability and/or implementation. Assessment of work is strongly encouraged when possible, but not compulsory if it’s not suitable for the topic at hand. DEED is also requesting proposals for Workshops, Panels, Special Sessions, new session topics and new session.
Please review the ASEE DEED Paper Guidelines for DEED-specific details related to manuscript submissions. The ASEE DEED Paper Guidelines will be used as a basis for all manuscript reviews. The 2020 ASEE DEED Paper Guidelines will be posted on the DEED website at
Podium, Postcard and Poster Sessions
DEED accepts both completed research efforts and those that are a “Work in Progress” for inclusion as peer-reviewed papers in the annual conference. “Work in Progress” is a mechanism/forum for authors to share and receive feedback on preliminary work. “Work in Progress” submissions are identified both through Monolith and through their title, are included in the conference proceedings, and are typically presented in the DEED Poster or Postcard sessions. Accepted final papers will be published in the proceedings and presented in one of three different types of sessions: Podium sessions, Postcard sessions, and Poster sessions. Each are described briefly below:
1) Podium Sessions are traditional research presentations and will occur during division technical sessions. The podium talk format gives authors of papers an opportunity to provide a detailed overview of a research project or curricular innovation. Approximately six papers will be grouped thematically in technical sessions lasting 90 minutes giving each work about 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.
2) Postcard Sessions are a novel session type designed to report important innovations and current research efforts and open conversations. The postcard format gives authors of papers the opportunity to pitch their work with a two-slide (postcard back and front) overview of their work in five minutes or less. After the pitch is made, attendees will have the opportunity to talk with the authors and revisit their postcards while authors receive project feedback from interested viewers. Approximately 8 papers are grouped thematically in Postcard sessions.
3) Poster Session will occur over lunch during the division’s poster session in the convention hall. The poster session format gives authors a large format venue to present research and course innovations in a public setting. Authors are expected to stand near their poster for the entire session to engage with poster session attendees.
All DEED papers will be placed in either a podium session or a postcard poster session by default with preference to the podium session slots being given to full papers and preference for postcard poster session slots begin given to Work-in-Progress papers. Authors may optionally select to present in the Poster Session by contacting the Program Chair and requesting placement in a Poster Session. Any accepted paper may be assigned to either a Podium or Postcard Session (even when the paper is not a “Work in Progress”).
Publish to Present and Review to Publish Criteria
In addition to the ASEE “Publish to Present” requirements, DEED requires the support of its authors in “Review to Publish” at both the abstract and manuscript stages. Abstracts for review will be assigned October 18 and are due no later than October 28. Blind manuscript reviews will be assigned February 7 and are due no later than February 24.
Workshop, Panel and Special Sessions
DEED accepts proposals for sessions in the areas listed for paper submissions. An individual abstract for these sessions is required. Persons wishing to organize a DEED session should (1) contact the Program Chair via email to describe their intent to submit a session proposal AND (2) submit a paper abstract in Monolith providing the following: description of the topic of the session, format for the session, and proposed panelists. DEED officers and directors will review the submissions for appropriate content and (if required) recommend the session to ASEE. To be considered, proposals must be submitted before paper abstract submission deadline (October 14, 2019).
1) Workshop Sessions may be proposed in the areas listed for paper submissions. The abstract must include the following: workshop title, objective, description, speakers/facilitators, estimated head count, and whether or not this workshop was similar to a prior ASEE workshop including the name of the prior workshop as this is the information required by the online form in Monolith. Workshops submitted directly on the ASEE site, prior to DEED approval, will not be recommended to conference organizers for inclusion.
2) Panel and Special Sessions may be proposed in the areas listed for paper submissions. These sessions differ from organized sessions in that they are not publish to present; however, an individual abstract for the panel session is required. The abstract must include the following: description of the topic of the panel, format for the panel session, and proposed panelists.
For information about any submission, see the ASEE website:
For questions or ideas concerning DEED topics or sessions, contact:
Program Chair: Zahed Siddique (Email:, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019.
Program Chair Elect: Beshoy Morkos (Email:, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602.
Not a member of DEED? Why not join us when you renew?
The Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) seeks paper, panel, and workshop proposals on topics related to ERM’s primary objectives: dissemination of knowledge on learning and teaching; dissemination of knowledge on diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering education; encouragement of efforts to improve instruction through development of innovative materials and techniques, sound instructional design, and improved evaluation methodology; and enhancement of the status of teaching in the university and beyond.
There are three types of submissions: Paper, Workshop, and Panel of Invited Speakers. For more information regarding each type of submission, please download the full call for proposals below.
Abstract and proposal submission opens September 3, 2019 and all proposals are due October 14, 2019.
A. Paper Abstracts (250-500 words) are due October 14, 2019 via Monolith.
Paper abstracts should follow the ASEE Abstract Format guidelines. There are four subcategories for Papers:
(1) Research papers present new findings, situated in the context of prior findings and models, including relevant prior work and literature citations, methodology, research results, and implications of the work and/or future directions for research.
(2) Theory papers provide reviews, meta-analyses or other theory-focused work, situated in the context of previous literature to reveal relationships, patterns or models, or extend existing theories. Must include relevant prior work and literature citations.
(3) Evidence-based practice papers provide analysis of one or more engineering education practice, including teaching approaches, instructional technology uses, and institutional strategies to support student success and its implications for engineering educators. Must include relevant prior work and literature citations, methodology, and assessment results.
(4) Work in Progress (WIP) Paper: Studies at an early to intermediate stage for which authors are seeking feedback from the community.
Note: Following the discussion of the 2019 ASEE Interdivisional Divisional Town Hall, ERM is encouraging the use of active and engaging experiences during our technical sessions. At the time of the Draft Paper submission, you will be requested to identify your preferred presentation method. These presentation techniques can include round table discussions, lightning talk, postcard presentation, mini-demonstrations, poster, or traditional presentation. As you write your abstracts and drafts, you are encouraged to consider how to present your paper in a way other than the traditional presentation.
B. Proposals for Panels of Invited Speakers are due October 14, 2019 by e-mail to the ERM Program Chair ( Panel proposals should include the following information (no more than 2 pages, 12-point font, single-spaced):
- A description of the session, including its purpose, format, learning goals, content, and activities.
- An explanation of why the non-traditional format is needed to accomplish the learning goals.
- A list of presenters/facilitators and their contact information, along with a brief justification for their ability to successfully accomplish the stated goals.
C. Proposals for Workshops are due October 14, 2019 by e-mail to the ERM Program Chair ( Workshop proposals should include the following information (no more than 2 pages, 12-point font, single-spaced):
- A description of the workshop, including its purpose, format, learning goals, content, and activities.
- A schedule (i.e., something describing the general flow of the 3 hour workshop).
- A list of presenters/facilitators and their contact information, along with a brief justification for their ability to successfully accomplish the stated goals.
The Energy Conversion and Conservation Division (ECCD) invites papers for the 127th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. The division is multi-disciplinary and is honored to share innovative pedagogy related to all forms of energy generation, distribution, use, and conservation with the engineering education community. Authors should consider submitting technical papers for oral or poster presentations, as well as recommendations for Workshops, Special Panels, Outreach Events, and Service Projects.
Important Dates:
• Abstract Submission: Open – September 3, 2019
• Abstract Submission: Due – October 14, 2019
• Draft Paper Due – February 3, 2020
• Revised Paper Due – March 16, 2020
Contact ECCD Program Chair, Dr. Siamak Farhad ( if you have any question.
Please Download PDF (below) for more information.
The ASEE-Engineering and Public Policy Division (EPPD) invites abstracts for papers, proposals for full sessions, panel discussions and other session formats for the 2020 annual conference, to be held in Montreal, Quebec, June 20-24, 2020. The mission of the EPPD is twofold:
1. To promote public policy curricula in engineering education through the development of courses, modules, programs, and case studies. This includes teaching subjects such as public policy, how policy affects the practice of engineering and vice versa, and how teaching students about public policy affects their careers.
2. To promote dialog on policy issues affecting engineering education and engineering research at institutions.
We welcome submissions related to any of the diverse areas of public policy that impact engineering education. Papers and proposals on all topics germane to policy and engineering education will be considered. Example topics include:
• Case studies of faculty experience with policy in your professional practice, service, research, and teaching
• Case studies on how public policy influences engineering and how they are used in courses (final paper to include summary of module and materials)
• Strategies for including public policy issues in traditional courses
• Development of new programs that involve elements of public policy
• How public policy on education has steered engineering education
• Accreditation requirements and their influence on engineering education
• Using engineering analytics to influence policy
The EPP Division is interested in sponsoring sessions that bring together different divisions to address common areas of policy implications, as well as sponsoring distinguished lecture or panel sessions germane to the division’s mission. Please contact the program chair with ideas or requests for co-sponsorship.
All paper submissions are publish-to-present. Submissions may include case studies, research reports, classroom applications, exploratory topics, and works in progress. Papers describing activities in professional practice (e.g., involvement in a policy-related fellowship) can be narrative in structure. Recommended paper length is 3 to 15 pages in ASEE conference proceedings format.
All abstracts must be submitted through the ASEE paper management system At least one author for each accepted paper is required to register for and present the paper at the conference.
Information for authors, including due dates and formats for abstract and paper submission, can be found on the ASEE website:
Important Paper Dates:
Abstract submission window: September 3 – October 14, 2019
Abstract review deadline: October 28, 2019
Distinguished lecture and Panel session request deadline: October 28, 2019
Draft Paper submission window: November 4, 2019 – February 3, 2020
The Engineering Design Graphics Division (EDGD) invites papers for the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Please see the included PDF document for complete details. Looking forward to seeing you in Montréal!!!
The Engineering Economy Division (EED) of ASEE seeks papers for presentation at the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition being held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 21-24, 2020.
We seek relevant abstract submissions for research-based full and work-in-progress papers for our traditional Technical Sessions covering a broad spectrum of engineering economy topics including, but not limited to:
Economic analysis across engineering disciplines Innovative teaching methods for engineering economy
Integrating engineering economy research into the classroom Case studies for the classroom
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering economy education International aspects of engineering economy education
We also seek submissions for two Special Sessions designed to uncover and explore the state-of-the-art of engineering economy education by bringing together new and seasoned engineering economy educators in an engaging, low-risk, high-reward way:
Special Session 1: Course Strategies for Engineering Economy Instruction
Interactive, panel-type session addressing effective strategies for teaching engineering economy. From large lecture halls, to online courses, to smaller traditional classrooms, the panel will use submitted papers to frame the discussion and draw insights about what really works in engineering economy education. This session is perfect for new educators, those just beginning to teach EE, anyone considering redesigning or updating their course, and experienced educators who have their course strategy for engineering economy down to a science.
Special Session 2: Curriculum Elements for Innovative Teaching
Do you have a curriculum element that you want to share?
Include real-world scenarios in a case study?
Assign a group economic analysis project?
Use online assessment for quizzes and tests?
Have a technique for teaching financial risk using simulation?
This session will feature a collection of the very best in innovative teaching in engineering economy. You will have the opportunity to share your technique with everyone and then dive deeper with those who are most interested in learning more. This session is perfect for anyone interested learning new techniques or sharing a proven teaching tool with others.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit papers for peer review and inclusion in the conference proceedings. All accepted papers are eligible for the EED Best Paper Award. We encourage submissions from new educators who are eligible for our $1,000 New Engineering Economy Educator Award. In addition, authors submitting to the special sessions may be eligible for a $500 Travel Sponsorship to help defray the cost of attending the conference.
2020 Call for Papers:
The Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is seeking abstracts for consideration for presentation at the 2020 Annual Conference & Exposition in Montréal, Québec, Canada, June 20th to June 24th.
ELD accepts abstracts for full-length presentations and posters and welcomes abstracts from or joint presentations with members of other divisions. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Assessment
• Collaboration
• Collection Development
• Diversity & Inclusion
• Instruction
• Scholarly Communication
• Technology in Engineering Librarianship
• Marketing and Outreach Activities
Papers on diversity are also always welcome; to qualify for the Society’s Best Diversity Paper, diversity and inclusion must be the focus of the paper.
Suggestions/proposals for “Special Sessions”, e.g., panel discussions, workshops, and cross-divisional sessions are welcome. A proposal for a special session should include:
• Description of the intended audience
• Summary of the ideas to be explored and discussed
• Outline of the session format, including strategies to engage those attending
• Vision for the type of individuals who would present
• Expected outcomes for the session
All paper submissions are publish-to-present. Papers submitted to technical sessions are peer reviewed through the Engineering Libraries Division review process, and those accepted will appear in ASEE Proceedings. ASEE Author Kit: Please make sure to follow the abstract and paper submission guidelines, available at the Society website: The first step in proposing a paper is to submit an abstract (250-500 words) for approval into the ASEE paper management system between Tuesday, September 3rd and Monday October 14th.
• Abstract Submission Opens: September 3, 2019
• Abstract Submission Closes: October 14, 2019
• Notification on Acceptance/Rejection of Abstracts: November 4, 2019
For questions regarding paper submission and review, and also suggestions for panels, workshops, or other non-traditional sessions or interdivisional sessions, please contact the 2020 ELD Program Chair, David E. Hubbard, at
The Engineering Management Division (EMD) of ASEE seeks papers (abstracts) for presentation at the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition in Montreal, Quebec, Canada – June 20-24. Papers in all areas of engineering management education will be considered.
Topics may include any applications of engineering management as it relates to education and the development of future engineering managers. All topics in the Engineering Management Body of Knowledge (EMBOK) are welcome including, but not limited to: Leadership and Organizational Management, Strategic Planning, Financial Resource Management, Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Management of Technology, etc. Suggested topics in education include, but are not limited to: engineering management program organization, approaches to outcome assessment and program/course effectiveness, workplace applications of engineering management skills and concepts with educational implications (including academic-industry collaboration), engineering management education success stories, innovative teaching practices in engineering management, asynchronous or synchronous learning networks, diversity, equity and inclusion. Special consideration will be given to papers which address issues of education to the Engineering Management discipline.
The EMD is offering two new types of sessions for the 2020 conference. They may be joint sessions with the Engineering Economy and Systems Engineering Divisions. The sessions are as follows:
1) WIP postcard sessions – the main idea is that presenters have a brief (5 minute) time to present their work – with open discussion following. No paper is required for a postcard session, only an extended abstract. However, the paper management system cannot be used to manage the postcard session abstracts, so please send abstracts directly to the program chairs (email at end of the call for papers).
2) A diversity, equity and inclusion session, to include papers on these areas in engineering. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are important facets of all engineering education and we encourage papers on these topics.
All submissions to the division will be considered for the EMD Best Paper Award. This award will be announced at the division dinner and includes a framed award certificate. In addition, all presentations made during the conference will be considered for the EMD Best Presentation Award, which will be announced following the conference and recognized at the division dinner during the next annual conference.
The EMD accepts work in progress (WIP) papers per ASEE guidelines. These papers should appeal to a large section of the EMD audience and reflect educational research that is innovative in nature. The paper should focus on the purpose, hypotheses, and potential methodologies of the proposed research. The EMD expects that WIP papers will be approximately four pages in length and will receive reduced presentation time compared to full conference papers. The title of WIP papers should begin with “Work in Progress:”.
Submitted abstracts should be 200 - 300 words in length and will be peer-reviewed. The abstract should provide a clear statement of the work's objective and its relevance to engineering management education.
Authors submitting to EMD will be asked to review both papers and abstracts for the division. Those who are unable to fulfill this commitment by the timelines required may have their own papers rejected by the session chair, regardless of paper quality. EMD is a publish-to-present division. Both abstracts and papers must be accepted to present at the conference.
All abstract and paper submissions will be handled electronically through ASEE’s Paper Management System. Submissions must be completed electronically, and due dates and times indicated on the ASEE website must be met without exception. For additional information including deadlines and guidelines, refer to: for the upcoming 2020 conference in Montreal, Quebec.
For more information, please contact the Engineering Management Division Program Chair, Dr. Christopher Rowe, below are contact details:
Christopher Rowe
Associate Dean for External Relations and Professor of Engineering Management
Vanderbilt University
The Division of Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies (DELOS) invites abstracts for papers for the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference. DELOS is a multidisciplinary division devoted to innovations and best practices for laboratory instruction.
Papers addressing, but not limited to, the following topics are requested:
• computer-assisted data acquisition
• virtual and remote experiments and laboratory instruction
• unique, multidisciplinary laboratory experiments and programs
• laboratory exercises or design projects that use microprocessors (Arduino, Beagle Bone, Raspberry Pi, Android, etc.)
• horizontal or vertical curricular integration of laboratory experiments and courses
• inquiry-based laboratory exercises
• integration of laboratory experiments and courses in an online or MOOC environment
• and the pedagogy and best practices of laboratory courses.
Attendees at DELOS sessions have expressed strong interest in the hands-on aspects of instruction, which is especially relevant to laboratory instruction. Papers describing the implementation, assessment, and integration of hands-on exercises with laboratory or lecture-based classes are encouraged.
DELOS sponsors technical sessions with traditional stand-up presentations and Bring Your Own Experiment (BYOE) sessions at the ASEE Annual Conference. Papers considered for both types of sessions use the standard review process for ASEE Conference papers, but with slightly different review criteria. The BYOE sessions involve live demonstrations of laboratory exercises and equipment. The content of the papers in BYOE sessions focus more on implementation, which includes fabrication, deployment, and student usage in addition to the underlying pedagogy.
DELOS sponsors four (4) Best Paper Awards consisting of certificates and cash prizes. All papers submitted to the division, including BYOE papers, will be considered for these awards. Preliminary screening for Best Paper Awards will be based on the first full-length draft submitted for review after the abstract has been accepted.
Please see the DELOS 2020 Call for Papers, below, for detailed information regarding abstract and paper submission.
DELOS-2020 Program Technical Chair: Dr. Sally J. Pardue 931-372-3309
DELOS-2020 Division Chair: Michael Golub (317) 274-8295
Summary Points from this Call for Papers:
The Faculty Development Division (FDD) encourages submissions related to faculty and faculty development. This includes both tenured/tenure-track faculty and professional faculty (i.e. adjunct faculty and non-tenure track such as teaching and research faculty) and their development of skills related to teaching as well as research, service, leadership, and mentoring.
We accept multiple types of papers including: Work in Progress Papers, Lessons Learned Papers (4-page limit each), Evidence-based Practice Papers, Research Papers, Theory Papers, and Panel Papers (12-page limit each). The type of paper MUST be listed in the first sentence of your abstract.
It is expected that these papers will catalyze engagement with our community, authors are therefore encouraged to consider paper presentation early in the creation process. Multiple presentation suggestions are listed in the Call, and the author’s preferred presentation style MUST be listed in the last line of your abstract.
The FDD is also looking for Workshops and Special Sessions. To submit a proposal for a workshop or special session, email the FDD Program Chair ( Details on Workshop and Special Session proposals can be found toward the end of the Call for Papers.
FPD welcomes your paper submissions on topics relevant to First-Year Programs. Please read the attached pdf carefully before submitting your abstract. Contact Program Chair, Kaitlin Mallouk, mallouk [at] rowan [dot] edu with any questions.
Industrial Engineering Division Call for Papers
2020 IED Theme: Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Engineering Education
The Industrial Engineering Division (IED) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) seeks papers for presentation at the 127th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition in Montréal, Québec, Canada June 21 - 24, 2020.
Abstract submission opens September 3, 2019; the deadline for submitting abstracts is October 14, 2019 at 23:59 EST. Workshop, Panel and Distinguished Lecture requests also open September 3, 2019.
Relevant submissions are welcome from all engineering disciplines. Considerations for acceptance include the level of innovation, technical merit, demonstrated outcomes and relevance to industrial engineering education. Authors are encouraged to submit work that could be useful to other IE faculty, including strategies for implementation. The IED strongly encourages submissions of diversity, equity and inclusion-related papers. Purely technical papers that have no educational component or papers describing courses that will or have not been taught will most likely not be accepted.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
• IE curriculum and artificial intelligence
• Industry 4.0 and novel IE curricula
• Methods for developing and assessing industrial engineering competency
• IE laboratory development
• Application of innovative approaches to IE education (e.g. flipped classes, problem based learning, and use of emerging technologies)
• Educational resources such as case studies, web-based course modules, and lab materials for teaching IE topics
• IE Design throughout the curriculum
• Outstanding IE outreach programs
• Successful IE internship and/or co-op programs
• Involving undergraduates in IE related research
• Success with adapting to new IE ABET outcomes
• Diversity, equity and inclusion in IE
The IED is a publish-to-present division. At least one author for each paper must register for and present at the conference. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full-length papers for peer review. Papers addressing "work in progress" will be considered. The submission and review process are blind. Do not include the names of institutions or authors anywhere in the abstract or draft paper. All abstracts and papers must be loaded electronically through the ASEE paper management system. The IED asks for abstracts submitted for the 2020 conference be extended abstracts providing sufficient detail on the proposed work for reviewers to evaluate. Additional information, including the Author's Kit with deadlines and formatting instructions, can be downloaded from the ASEE website.
In addition to the ASEE "Publish to Present" requirements, IED requires the support of its authors in "Review to Publish" at both the abstract and manuscript stages.
IED also supports workshops in the areas listed for paper submissions. Persons wishing to have IED promote a workshop for the 2020 Annual Conference should retrieve the ASEE workshop form, complete it and send it to the program chair. Workshop submissions will be reviewed for appropriate content. Workshops submitted directly on the ASEE site, prior to IED approval, will not be recommended for inclusion.
Paper Awards and Travel Grant:
• All accepted papers will be considered for the IED Best Paper Award. The award includes a plaque of recognition for first place, and a letter of recognition for second place (runner-up), when appropriate. There is an honorarium monetary award of $250 for the first author of the winning paper.
• Qualified authors will be considered for the New IE Educator Outstanding Paper Award. New IE educators with fewer than seven years of full-time teaching experience. The recipient will be awarded $250 per author, up to $500 per paper. Senior faculty are eligible for the award as co-authors, but not for the monetary award. The award also includes a plaque of recognition.
• Student-authored papers are eligible for IED Outstanding Student Paper Award. The recipient will be awarded $250 per author, up to $500 per paper. Faculty are eligible for the award as co-authors, but not for the monetary award. The award also includes a certificate of recognition.
• IED members who have not attended an ASEE Annual Conference may be eligible for the $500 IE Travel Grant for New Attendees. Recipients must present their paper in an IED session and can collaborate with other faculty who are active in ASEE. Email the IED Program Chair at if you are interested in applying for the travel grant.
Please forward this message to persons that may be interested in presenting their work, hosting a workshop, or formulating a panel at the 2020 Conference. If you have any questions, please contact the program chair.
If you are not a member of the Industrial Engineering Division (IED), please add the IED to your ASEE membership renewal.
Ebisa D. Wollega, Ph.D.
Program Chair, ASEE Industrial Engineering Division
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering
Colorado State University-Pueblo
Office Phone: 719 549 2848
International Division Papers are being solicited for subjects in ALL engineering education areas that
has an INTERNATIONAL dimension. That especially includes engineering educators from institutions
abroad. An international dimension always adds new and different complexity to the general challenging
world of engineering education. See attached for instructions and particular areas of interest.
Call for Papers – ASEE Manufacturing Division ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 20 - 24, 2020
Irina N. Ciobanescu Husanu, Ph.D. Associate Clinical Professor & Senior Design Coordinator Department of Engineering Technology, College of Engineering, Drexel University One Drexel Plaza, 3025 Market Street, Suite 100, Room 015, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Tel: 215.895.5957; e-mail:
The Manufacturing Division of the American Society for Engineering Education invites abstract submissions for the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference. Papers and presentations related to manufacturing education, practice and assessment in all areas of manufacturing, with attention to new and emerging topics of manufacturing education will be considered. Submissions must include content related to education. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: • Design and development of innovative learning materials and teaching strategies for manufacturing education • Advances in additive, hybrid, distributed and direct digital manufacturing education • Four-pillars of manufacturing engineering • Implementation of new technology into manufacturing education, such as nano/micro-manufacturing, biomedical manufacturing, automation and robotics, additive manufacturing, energy manufacturing, and digital manufacturing • Integration of current issues into manufacturing education, such as globalization, lean/green manufacturing, alternative energy resources, supply chain, smart manufacturing facilities, IOT, Industry 4.0 •Development, implementation and/or integration of instructional technology such as simulation tools, virtual, remote labs and distance learning • Implementation of sustainability into manufacturing education, such as materials, sustainable product/process design, energy efficiency, waste recycle, life cycle assessment, and emerging potentials • Integration of research and development into manufacturing programs • Industry-based projects and capstone experiences • STEM integration in the classroom, laboratory, and projects from design to prototype and manufacturing • P16 STEM projects and integration of manufacturing engineering into K-12 curricula • Entrepreneurship and engineering innovation • Government policy and manufacturing education • ABET and ATMAE Accreditation related topics • Successful stories and best practices in Manufacturing Innovation New for 2020! We have two joint sessions: The Materials and Manufacturing divisions encourage the submission of abstracts for a joint session focused on the intersection of materials and manufacturing. Papers addressing curricular strategies, lab-based and hands-on learning, and other innovations in education incorporating both materials science concepts and manufacturing technologies are encouraged. The Energy Conversion (ECCD) and Manufacturing divisions announce their joint session focused on Green Energy Manufacturing and sustainable energy waste management related to manufacturing. We are looking forward to abstracts addressing development and implementation of pedagogical tools and strategies, hands-on learning and capstone design projects related to education areas in energy conversion and manufacturing processes. Special Session: Make It! Does your paper include something that you or your students made? If so, apply for the MakeIt Session! This hands-on session is organized by the Manufacturing Division and supported by other divisions of the ASEE. Posters are presented along with 3D printed models, artistic works, fun projects, robotics, and unique materials. Eclectic and multidisciplinary submissions are encouraged. A paper is required but may be written in the form of a how-to that allows others to reproduce the work. Abstracts for this session should begin with the word 'MAKER:' in upper case. This is an excellent venue for personal hobbies and student projects. The ASEE Manufacturing Division is a publish-to-present division which selects an overall best division presentation and overall best division paper. A certificate will be provided to awardees. Specific information about deadlines and guidelines will be available at The submission and review processes are blind. Do not include the names of institutions or authors anywhere in the abstract. Please refer to the ASEE Author’s Kit for more information. Questions may be directed to the 2019-2020 ASEE Manufacturing Division Program Chair:
The Materials Division of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is soliciting papers for the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference being held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from June 21-24, 2020. The mission of the ASEE is to advance “innovation, excellence, and access at all levels of education for the engineering profession.”
The materials division invites abstracts and subsequent papers that address issues relevant to materials education including, but not limited to:
• Innovations in materials education: active learning, project-based learning, problem-based learning, etc.
• Application of materials concepts in the context of other disciplines: integration of materials education in design projects or typically non-materials courses (see note below about materials/manufacturing joint session)
• Student engagement and personalized learning: strategies to connect materials content to student interests and/or customize content to individual student needs
• Academia-industry interaction: collaborative efforts with industry partners, entrepreneurship, use of case studies in curriculum design, etc.
• Incorporation of technology in the materials classroom
• Best practices in introductory materials courses
• Introducing topics of sustainability and life-cycle within materials curriculum
• Materials in K-12 education and outreach
New for 2020! The materials and manufacturing divisions encourage the submission of abstracts for a joint session focused on the intersection of materials and manufacturing. Papers addressing curricular strategies, lab-based and hands-on learning, and other innovations in education incorporating both materials science and manufacturing technologies are encouraged.
Papers will be accepted on a publish-to-present basis. Works in progress are welcomed but should be denoted as such when submitting an abstract.
Abstracts should be submitted via the ASEE submission and paper management system. At least one author for each accepted paper is required to register for and present the paper at the conference.
Information for authors, including due dates for abstract and paper submission, can be found on the ASEE website:
In addition to papers, the materials division hopes to convene a session to share successes and failures with lab activities, classroom demonstrations, and in-class activities. Please contact the program chair if you are interested in participating. Participants will be asked to briefly describe or show (live or via video) an activity/demo and discuss facilitation and student feedback. Presentations will be approximately 5-10 minutes each, followed by group discussion.
For further information, contact Lessa Grunenfelder, Program Chair, or Alison Polasik, Division Chair,
The Mathematics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education welcomes papers for presentation at the 2020 Annual Conference & Expo in Montreal, Quebec, Canada · June 20 - 24, 2020.
Abstracts in consideration should address educational or pedagogical issues regarding
mathematics in engineering education. We invite abstracts from all divisions of ASEE. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
• Innovative teaching techniques and their impacts on outcomes in mathematics courses.
• Use of technology and/or software in teaching mathematics
• Issues, concerns, or problems in the teaching of mathematics to engineering students.
• Impact of math courses on subsequent student outcomes in engineering courses
• Interplay between mathematical training of engineering students and ABET outcomes
• Mathematical learning outcomes measured in non-mathematics engineering courses
• Statistics, applied math, or other mathematics course content essential to engineering.
• Collaborative educational projects between mathematics and engineering
• Aligning K-16 mathematics to broaden participation in engineering
• Preparation of mathematics graduate students to teach engineering students
Abstracts should be less than 500 words in length and provide a clear objective statement of the paper’s relevance to the mathematics community, any assessment methods used, and the results. Papers that are conceptual in nature should adequately reference literature describing the foundation upon which the concept builds. References should be in refereed journals or other reputable and reliable venues. Papers that report original empirical findings should display or provide a link to the original empirical data.
Authors who submit an abstract/paper and receive approval for the abstract/paper may be invited to be a reviewer for another abstract/paper. At least one author for each accepted paper is expected to register for and present at the conference.
BLIND PEER REVIEW occurs for both abstracts and papers. PLEASE DO NOT include the names of institutions or authors anywhere in the abstract or draft paper. Abstracts and draft papers that include authors’ names or the names of institutions will be rejected. Submission is via the ASEE Monolith system in accordance with published ASEE deadlines. ASEE Peer presents a collection of past conference proceedings, which may be accessed, or searched at: Questions?
Please contact:
Amitabha Ghosh
Program Chair
Mathematics Division
The MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION (ME) invites papers for the 2020 ASEE Annual Conference in all areas of mechanical engineering education that involve the following topics:
• Innovative teaching & learning strategies
• National competitions
• Assessment, improvement & ABET strategies
• Integrating research & education
• Laboratory courses, experiments, hands-on projects
• Faculty career management
• Capstone design programs, design in curriculum
• Industry involvement in academia
• Inverted learning / classroom flipping
• Outreach programs
• Integrating mathematics into ME curriculum
• Distance education
• Integrating humanities, fine arts, social sciences, physical sciences, etc. into ME courses & curricula
• Diversity
• Other trends in ME education
Other areas of interest include, but are not limited to the educational aspects of:
• Thermal/fluids systems
• Mechanical systems
• Smart materials & structures
• Mechatronics
• Nano/biomechanical systems
• Computers & Info Tech
• Sustainable design
• Additive manufacturing
Papers: Both abstracts and draft papers are reviewed using a double-blind process. Submissions of both abstracts and draft papers are not to include any identifying information regarding authorship or institutional affiliation; failure to comply with this directive may result in the rejection of the submission. Please refer to the Author’s Kit, also available at the ASEE Annual Conference web site, for a copy of the official Abstract and Paper Format Guidelines. All submissions are expected to adhere to these specified formatting requirements. Please note that abstract acceptance does not guarantee paper acceptance.
It is important to note that the Mechanical Engineering Division is a “publish-and-review-to-present” division: to present at the conference, you must have your paper accepted for publication in the Proceedings and have at least one author available to participate in the peer review process for both abstract and draft paper submissions.
The ME division sponsors a Best Paper award consisting of a plaque and cash prize, and a Best Poster/Postcard award consisting of a cash prize. The division also issues official certificates in recognition of papers nominated for the Best Paper award. The ME Division also sponsors the Ralph Coats Roe Award for excellence in engineering education as well as the Outstanding New Mechanical Engineering Educator Award for exceptional individuals early in their engineering education career.
Work-in-Progress Papers (for poster/postcard sessions): These papers often present work that is still in the process of study and/or implementation where results will not be available by the time of draft paper submissions, where the results are as yet inconclusive or where authors are seeking feedback from the community. All Work-in-Progress papers accepted for publication will be assigned to either:
1. a poster session, or
2. a postcard session to allow their authors opportunity for extended conversations regarding their research.
Postcard sessions are a special-format session allowing authors to pitch their work with a two-slide overview of their work in five minutes or less, followed by extended time in session for discussion with and feedback from the attendees. If you desire that your submission be considered for a poster or postcard session, please note this.
Questions: Please direct any questions to the Program Chair: Tom DeNucci, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, or to the Division Chair: Matt Gordon, University of Denver,
The ASEE Mechanics Division solicits papers for the Annual Conference & Exposition to be held in Montréal, Canada, June 21-24, 2020. Areas of interest include theory, practice, assessment, in all areas of engineering mechanics education, ranging from the foundational courses Statics, Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, and Fluid Mechanics, to advanced-level topics such as Finite Element Analysis, Fracture Mechanics, Vibrations, and Acoustics. Suggested topics, as they pertain to mechanics education, include, but are not limited to:
¥ Projects, laboratories, experiments, or demonstrations
¥ Assessment of teaching and learning
¥ Horizontal or vertical curricular integration of mechanics
¥ Development and deployment of innovative teaching methods or practices
¥ Integration of emerging topics and/or implementation of best practices
Abstracts should be approximately 500 words in length and provide a clear statement of the objective, relevance to mechanics education, assessment methods, and results. Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to prepare a full paper for peer review prior to publication in the conference proceedings. To be successful a paper must demonstrate an appropriate level of scholarship. The division strongly encourages that authors conduct meaningful assessment of outcomes and report on the results of this assessment. Papers which provide no assessment should be marked as “Work-in progress” in Monolith upon submission.
Papers accepted for publication must be presented by at least one registered conference participant in a designated technical session or at a poster session held in the Exhibit Hall, as designated at the time of final submission. Potential exists for joint sessions with the Mechanical and Civil Engineering Divisions should sufficient cross-over occur to justify these sessions.
In addition, the Division will sponsor its annual Classroom Demonstrations Session, which will feature presentations by mechanics instructors of some of the toys and demonstrations that they use to illustrate concepts and energize their classes. Presenters will be asked to upload documentation of their demonstrations to the Division’s Hands-On Mechanics website ( Proposals for demonstrations should include a brief description of the classroom demonstration and how it will be presented at the conference; these are not submitted as papers via Monolith, but rather by direct communication with the Division Program Chair by the Draft Paper deadline that occurs approximately in April prior to the conference.
Submission deadlines are announced at the ASEE website:
Important Paper Deadlines 2020 (
Inquiries and questions may be directed to the 2019-2020 Mechanics Division Program Chair:
Masoud Rais-Rohani
University of Maine
See Author Guidelines for submitting abstracts
Call for Abstracts
2020 ASEE Annual Conference
June 20-24, 2020 in Montréal, Québec, Canada
The Ocean and Marine Engineering Division welcomes abstracts of 250-500 words in length in all areas related to ocean, marine, littoral, naval, and coastal engineering education. Engineers in academia and industry from across the world are encouraged to submit papers on relevant topics. Abstracts should included educational or academic aspects for consideration.
Abstract Submission: Opens September 3, 2019
Abstract submission closes October 14, 2019
Draft Paper Due - February 3, 2020
Revised Paper Due - March 16, 2020
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Ocean, marine or coastal engineering education subjects:
• Ocean or marine climate
• Ocean energy conversion
• Naval architecture and marine engineering
• Coastal or littoral environment
• Unmanned or remotely operated submersible vehicles
• Unmanned or remotely operated surface vehicles
• Globalization of ocean and marine engineering education
OMED topics related to:
• New teaching and learning strategies
• Laboratory development and innovation
• Challenge or Problem-based learning
• Capstone/senior design and project-based curriculum
• Best practices in curriculum/course development and industry needs
• Issues related to nontraditional and underrepresented students
• Student recruitment, outreach, and retention
Abstracts should provide a clear description of the objectives and motivation, relevant background, any assessment methods used, and results. Abstracts MUST be submitted electronically via the ASEE’s Monolith system. The submission and review processes are blind. Do not include the names of institutions or authors anywhere in the abstract. For additional information, including the Author's Kit with deadlines, instructions and formatting guidelines, and to upload your abstract, please go to Paper submission is a two-step review process consisting of abstract submission, review and acceptance, followed by a full manuscript submission, review and acceptance. Only accepted papers will be presented at the conference.
Paper Awards
All accepted papers will be considered for the OMED Best Paper, and Best Diversity Paper. Recipients must present their paper in an OMED session to qualify for the awards. If you have any questions please contact our Program Chair Lynn A. Albers, Hofstra University School of Engineering and Applied Science,
If you have questions, please contact:
• Division Chair, Vukica Jovanovic, Old Dominion University,
• Past Division Chair, Shyam Aravamudhan, North Carolina A&T State University,
The Systems Engineering Division (SED) promotes education in systems thinking, systems engineering, and systems science at all levels of education, and for different delivery modes including distance education, hybrid, and traditional classroom delivery. SED invites abstracts for papers and proposals for an array of sessions including technical sessions, tutorial/workshops, panel discussions, and distinguished speakers.
This year the SED is excited to offer three special formats/topics:
1) 5-Minute Work-In-Progress Session: This special format session gives authors of Work-in-Progress (WIP) papers the opportunity to pitch their work with a two-slide (back and front of a postcard) overview of their work in five minutes or less. After all pitches are made, attendees will have the opportunity to visit with and give feedback to the authors.
2) Arts and Engineering: This session will include papers on partnerships with non-traditional disciplines/domains to improve systems engineering education.
3) Vision for Systems Engineering Education in 2030: Unlike other engineering disciplines, systems engineering programs have not settled on a common curriculum. This session includes papers that imagine what systems engineering curriculum will look like in a decade’s time.
In addition to the three special sessions, SED is looking for submissions that address one or more aspects of systems engineering (SE) education, including but not limited to:
• Systems thinking approaches taught in non-SE courses
• Curricular strategies, advancements, and lessons learned to foster SE integration
• Collaborative educational efforts and initiatives with industry or government partners
• Diversity, equity, and inclusion in SE education
• Incorporating real-world SE challenges in the classroom
• Integration of SE education across other engineering and non-engineering disciplines/domains
• P-12 SE education and educational outreach
• Implications of ABET EAC changes to teaching SE
• SE assessment methods, competency development, and certification
• Use of SE modeling, simulation, methods, and tools in the classroom
Submissions are welcome from any discipline that leverages SE principles either to develop curriculum or as part of the curriculum. All paper submissions are publish-to-present. Submission may include classroom applications, exploratory topics, research reports, and works in progress. Abstracts shall be 250-350 words in length.
For more information, please contact:
Bryan Mesmer, Systems Engineering Division Program Chair, at
2020 Call For Papers
Two-Year College Division, American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference and Exposition
Montréal, Canada
June 21–24, 2020
The TWO-YEAR COLLEGE DIVISION (TYCD) is composed of faculty and administrators from two-year colleges that have programs in Engineering, Engineering Science and/or Engineering Technology, and other parties interested in two-year college issues. The TYCD invites submission of paper and/or poster presentation abstracts from academia and industry on any topic that may benefit and interest two-year institutions. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to the following:
• Student recruitment and retention at two-year colleges.
• Student persistence and completion in two-year engineering technology programs and/or 2+2 programs.
• Innovative teaching methods and support programs at two-year colleges
• Articulation agreements: high school/two-year and two-year/four-year institutions.
• Issues related to student transfer from two-year to four-year programs.
• Job placement strategies for Engineering Technicians.
• Innovation and updates in curriculum and laboratory development for engineering technician programs.
• Issues facing two-year colleges with Youth and Adult apprenticeship programs.
• High school dual credit students in engineering transfer, engineering technology and engineering technician programs at two-year colleges.
• Microcontrollers, data acquisition, and/or embedded control courses and content delivered in two-year engineering technology programs. Share your experiences with Arduinos, Galileos, PICs, Launch Pads, and other platforms.
• Mechatronics and Industrial Controls for engineering technicians.
• Student Learning Outcomes Assessment, at two-year institutions.
• ABET, ATMAE (or other) accreditation at two-year institutions.
• Federally-funded engineering and/or engineering technology grant projects awarded to two-year colleges.
• Strategies for recruitment, retention and professional growth of new faculty at two-year colleges to replace retiring faculty.
• Other topics of relevance to two-year engineering, engineering technology and engineering technician programs.
Paper submission is a three-step process: (1) submission of an abstract, (2) submission of a draft of the full paper, and (3) submission of the final paper. All abstracts must be submitted through the Monolith abstract & paper submission portal. Please check the ASEE website for final versions of the 2020 paper Author’s Kit, Publish-to-Present information, paper and poster guidelines, and deadlines.
Abstracts shall be 250–500 words in length and provide a clear statement of the paper’s objective, relevance to two-year colleges, assessment methods, and results. Abstracts will each receive at least one blind review. Authors of accepted abstracts will prepare a draft of the full paper for blind peer review; at least three reviewers will review the draft. To aid both the reviewers and the readers, papers in the TYCD should be limited to 15 pages, including references.
The division strongly encourages that authors conduct meaningful assessment of outcomes and report on the results of this assessment. Papers which provide little or no assessment of the activities described should be marked as “Work in Progress” in Monolith upon submission. As there is a limited number of technical sessions in the TYCD, Work in Progress papers, or multiple papers by the same author(s), or papers that do not suit the content of a technical session, may be assigned to the conference poster session.
Draft papers should be well-developed so that the reviewer has a sufficient understanding of the paper’s goals and content, as well as any research questions, data, etc., that may appear in the final paper. Reviewers may return drafts for revision if, among other issues, the narrative or other content needs clarification, the draft has grammatical and/or spelling errors (the reviewer will not correct the errors), lacks references, etc. Reviewers may also reject the draft. As necessary, authors should respond to all comments provided by each reviewer as part of the revision process.
Upon acceptance of the draft, the final paper will be submitted, which will be reviewed again. Acceptance of both the abstract and the final full manuscript is required for presentation in TYCD sessions and for inclusion in the conference proceedings (publish to present).
Papers accepted for publication must be presented by at least one registered conference participant in a designated technical session, or at a poster session held in the Exhibit Hall, as designated at the time of final submission.
For further information, prospective authors and presenters may contact the TYCD Program Chair:
Dominic J. Dal Bello (Dom)
ASEE 2019 Two-Year College Program Chair
Professor, Engineering
Allan Hancock College
800 College Drive, Santa Maria, CA 93454
(805)-922-6966 x3498 ●
The WOMEN IN ENGINEERING DIVISION (WIED) is seeking papers for the 2020 ASEE annual conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada June 20-24, 2020. Abstract submission opens September 3, 2019 and the deadline for submission is October 14, 2019. Papers that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion on topics related to women in engineering, computing and/or technology are sought. This work might include outreach and recruitment of K-12 students, faculty recruitment and retention, innovative student retention programs and assessment. Topics that concern mentoring, recruitment, retention, leadership and professional development for women faculty and administrators (for example, work/life balance and dual-career issues) are relevant and timely. Other topics might include workplace climate, university programs, policies, and reports on initiatives. Transformative research that informs the development of impactful and forward-thinking programs and policies also are of high relevance. Popular sessions at recent conferences have included panels focused on a variety of topics, including improving the experience of marginalized students on engineering design teams, advocacy for gender equity, listening and negotiation, interactive theater to promote difficult dialogues about inequities in engineering education, managing dual careers, work/life integration issues, care for family members, and academic leadership strategies. If you have ideas for panels and/or would be willing to help organize a panel, please contact the program chair. Panels that can be co-sponsored with other divisions are strongly encouraged.
Authors should submit an abstract of 300 words or less on their paper topic. All ASEE divisions are publish to present. Authors of accepted abstracts must submit a full paper for review and acceptance in order to be included in the WIED program at the conference and in the conference proceedings. Panels must also submit an abstract and may optionally submit a full paper. Please note that there are two levels of review: first a review of the abstract, then a review of the submitted paper (submission deadline is March 16, 2020). The review processes are double blind – therefore please do not include names of authors or institutions within the title or body of the abstract or paper. The final paper with blind indicators removed is due April 27, 2020. The author’s kit is found here:
For additional information, please contact Janet Callahan, WIED Program Chair, Dean of Engineering, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton MI 49931-1295, Email: